Chapter 68 - New York Trip

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Author's Note: This is of course from the episode 'Naked' where Quinn heads to New York to talk Rachel out of doing the topless scene. I hope you enjoy this episode.

I arrived back in New Haven a few days before school was about to begin when I got a phone call that changed my plans. "Hello?" I answered. "Quinn...hi," Kurt said in a nervous tone. "Is everything okay?" I chuckled a bit. "'s not," Kurt said seriously. "What's going on?" I asked seriously. "It's Rachel....she's considering doing a topless scene for a student film," Kurt sighed. "Wait what?" I said shocked "I thought she was so against doing nudity." "Apparently she's had a change of heart," Kurt said as I shook my head. "This is not good at all," I said upset. "I know...that's why I called you," Kurt said. "You think I could stop her?" I asked surprised "I don't think I really have that power over her." "All I know is when Rachel was at her lowest you were a really good friend to her Quinn. You were the only one who spoke up besides me about Finn and Rachel's wedding being the wrong move for them," Kurt said. "It would've been. Especially now that Rachel's seeming to want to throw away everything she used to be," I sighed. "I agree," Kurt said as he took a deep breath "Look I don't know if you can come out here but you have the Metro One Pass..." "I'll be there," I told him seriously. "Thanks Quinn," Kurt said "I'll see you soon." "See you soon," I smiled as I hung up the phone.

I quickly went online to buy myself a bus ticket to New York. Rachel needed me now more than ever. Little did I know I wasn't the only person Kurt had called in a panic.

I knocked on the door which Kurt answered. "Thank God you're both here now," Kurt said relieved. "Both here?" I asked confused as I entered their apartment to find Santana sitting there. "I should've known you'd come out to New York for Berry. You had that pass for months and you're finally using it. I bet you're not even going to see your kid while you're here," Santana snipped at me. "Nice to see you too Santana," I said shaking my head. "Look I've got to head my classes at NYADA this afternoon it'll just be you two and Rachel. Try not to kill each other," Kurt said. "No promises," Santana shrugged as Kurt left the apartment.

Shortly after Kurt left Rachel entered the apartment calling out "Kurt, the hipster from downstairs with the curlicue mustache wants to borrow your Russian hat," Rachel called in as she entered the apartment. She then spotted me and Santana. "Oh, my God! What are you doing here?" she asked excitedly. "Lady Hummel called, begging us to do an emergency intervention," Santana said coolly. "On who?" Rachel asked confused. "You," I said seriously. "Oh...sit down then," Rachel said as we took our seats with her.

"You guys came all the way to New York just to talk to me because Kurt called you?" Rachel asked confused "We're also here to shop," Santana said. "And we're here to apologize to Quinn for slapping her across the face very, very hard," I said looking at Santana. "In theory. We'll just see if that happens," Santana said rolling her eyes she then turned to Rachel "Rachel, you cannot do a nude scene." "It's not a nude scene, it's just a topless scene," Rachel argued. "Same thing," Santana scoffed "Topless is as nude as anyone is ever gonna want to see you."

I knew I had to take charge. After Santana pretty much insulted Rachel I knew I had to take a different approached. "Let's say you do it. Think about the 2-2-2 rule," I said to Rachel "In two weeks, how are you gonna feel about the nude scene?" "You'd probably feel pretty great," Santana shrugged. "Yeah," Rachel agreed. "You'll get to feel a nice, cool breeze on them skeeter bites, you'll feel refreshed, even," Santana smirked. "Then, how are you gonna feel about it two months from now?" I asked her. "I don't know," Rachel frowned "Nervous? Worried it may not even be good?" "Rachel, it's a student film. It's not gonna be good," Santana shot at Rachel. "And two years from now? How you gonna feel about it then?" I asked her. "Guilty," Rachel sighed "Just hoping my kids won't ever see it online." "Oh, they'll see it. Mm-hmm. And they will never be the same," Santana shot at Rachel.

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