Chapter 77 - Honeymoon Avenue

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After an amazing wedding Puck and I headed out to New York for our honeymoon. New York was the first major city we had gone to thanks to being in the Glee Club but we didn't have much of a chance to explore the city like the rest of the New Directions did. Puck and I weren't exactly together when we came here the first time. I knew it was going to be a completely different experience this time.

Little did I know for the first few days I would wake up every morning sick. "You okay in there babe?" Puck called after me as he knocked on the door. "Mhmm..I'm fine," I assured him. "You don't sound fine..." he said. "I promise you it's nothing to worry about...the last few days I've woke up like this and I've been fine the rest of the day," I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "Look as long as you're sure you're okay," he said. "I'm positive," I smiled a bit as I quickly kissed him.

The truth was I knew I was feeling okay but I had a sneaking suspicion I knew exactly what was up. My period was late this month. The only other time my period had been late I turned out pregnant with Beth. I knew I had to get a pregnancy test once again. This time if I was pregnant it would be a blessing. It still would be hard especially since Puck could be called away and I still had to finish up my degree. I figured I could take a gap year and stay home with our baby if I turned out pregnant.

"I'll be right back okay," I told him seriously. "Okay...where are you going?" he asked me confused. "I have to get something," I told him as I rushed out to the nearest store to buy a pregnancy test. I walked back to the room excitedly. "What did you buy?" Puck laughed noticing my bag. "It's a surprise," I giggled a bit. "Come on tell me," Puck said grabbing me in my tickle spot. "No fair you know that's my tickle spot," I laughed. "Come me what you've got Fabray," Puck teased. "It's Puckerman now," I corrected him. "I love the sound of that," Puck said as we kissed. He soon got the bag off of me and took out the pregnancy test. " you think you're?" Puck asked as I nodded. "I might be..." I said honestly. "Go take the test," Puck laughed getting off of me as I took the test with me into the bathroom. "Here goes nothing," I said as I waited the mandatory 5 minutes before checking the results.

"Hey babe," I called out. "Yeah?" he called back. "I think you'll want to come and see this," I smiled a bit as Puck rushed in to the bathroom and sure enough the pregnancy test had a + sign. "We're having a baby?" Puck grinned excitedly as I nodded. "We're having a baby!" he shouted as he spun me around. I chuckled a bit. "What are you going to know about Yale?" Puck asked me seriously. "I think I'm going to take a gap year," I smiled a bit "After this semester we should settle down somewhere. Get a place for us and the baby." "You mean in New Haven?" Puck asked. "It would make the most sense. I want to be able to come home to you both at night," I told Puck seriously. He seemed to nod in agreement. "We should look at some places then huh?" Puck said as I nodded. I couldn't believe how lucky I had become. Things were really turning out for me in ways I didn't expect them to.

Puck and I took the train out to New Haven to look at some properties. There were a lot of beautiful properties. My mom told us she would help us make the down payment on the house as her wedding present to us. We found a home that we really loved that wasn't too far from campus and it was not too expensive for us to pay for. Everything just seemed to be falling into place. Truth be told I was really excited for how our life together was going to start.

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