Chapter 80 - So Far Away

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Author's Note: Hey guys I have just discovered that after this chapter I only have 2 more chapters which are the Brittana wedding and then we have a time jump to the year 2020, which I will talk about what Quinn's life is like then. Okay so this chapter covers the rest of 'Homecoming' as well as 'Jagged Little Tapestry'. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for going on this journey with me. It has been a pleasure writing this story!

That afternoon we had our very first audition take place. Roderick was up onstage and he decided to sing 'Mustang Sally' by Wilson Pickett. Santana, Brittany, and I decided to head up onstage to sing background for him on the "Ride Sally Ride" parts of the song. It was actually a lot of fun being up there onstage performing again. Roderick seemed to have a lot of fun performing with us as well. When he finished the song everyone burst into applause. "Thank you. Uh, we'll be posting names this week, but that was really amazing, Roderick. Thank you." Rachel said into the microphone. Kurt then whispered something to Rachel. "Okay, you're in!" Rachel announced as we all cheered for Roderick. "Thank you," Roderick said as he got offstage.

The next day was supposed to be the first rehearsal of Glee Club. Much to our surprise the Twins who had seen our performance and were inspired to be in Glee Club asked us if they could still join Glee Club. "I don't see why not," I smiled as the twins celebrated as they then auditioned in the auditorium with 'Home' by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. It turned out they had some pretty stellar voices which was pretty amazing. Besides the twins a girl named Jane who transferred from Dalton Academy joined our Glee Club as well. From what Rachel told us she also had a killer voice. So far our Glee Club was coming together pretty smoothly. We at least had 4 new members. I could only hope as time went on they would be able to find the twelve members needed for Sectionals.

The first choir room rehearsal for Glee Club was interesting. Rachel and Kurt seemed to be fighting a lot but this weeks lesson was to mashup songs from Jagged Little Pill and Tapestry for the week. Besides Glee Club I was having my own problems at home. Sure, taking a year off was the right call for me but taking care of Lexi was taking up a lot more of my time especially when I had to balance it with work. That was when I decided that this would be my last week helping the Glee Club out. As much as I wanted to stay I had too much on my plate between working and caring for Lexi. My mom and Puck were huge helps with the day to day stuff but I wanted to be home more and be able to spend time with my baby girl before I went back to school.

"So this assignment is kind of interesting. You know trying to come up with a mashup of Carole King and Alanis Morissette," Puck said as we entered my mom's house. "Definitely," I said as we entered. "Oh good. You guys are back in time. I have to head to work now," my mom said hugging us before she left. "I think us going to Glee Rehearsals has put a lot of stress on my mom," I sighed. Puck nodded "I see what you mean. I mean she's still working too. Juggling our schedules has been hard," he agreed. "Which is why after this week I think I'm going to stay home from Glee rehearsals," I said biting my lip. "You do have a lot going on babe. I mean with the paper and all," Puck said understanding. "Exactly. One of us needs to be home with Lexi at all times. I don't want my mom to have the bulk of the work, you know," I sighed as Puck nodded. "I could always bring her up to the school," Puck suggested as I made a face. "I'm guessing that's a no," Puck chuckled. "Definite no," I said as I picked up Lexi who was starting to cry.

Puck sighed a bit as he then handed me a letter. "What's this?" I asked looking at it. "I've been called for service," Puck said as my eyes grew wide. "Already?" I asked. "Yeah...I kind of delayed it when you were having Lexi," Puck sighed. "When do you have to leave?" I asked worriedly. "Next week," Puck said. I teared up. "Hey...I'm going to be okay," he assured me. "Where are they sending you?" I asked tearfully. "Italy," Puck said as I sobbed. "Hey they only want me there for 6 months. I'll be back before you know it," Puck told me seriously as he hugged me tightly. "I'm just going to miss you so much," I said emotionally. "I know," Puck said wiping my eyes "I'll miss you too...both of you," he said motioning to me and Lexi. This week became so much more to me than just my last week of Glee Club, it was the last week Puck and I would spend together before he was off at the military base.

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