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A low murmur of voices can be heard as the television droned. Two males can be seen sitting on a couch, with one snuggled closely to his companion.

It was a rare day for them, both having day offs at the same time. They planned to go out but as it was pouring outside, it affected their mood and they decided to just stay home.

They weren't even watching anymore. Both of them were too focused on each other, drinking in their presence while they still have time before getting busy and hectic again.

"Soraru-san," the albino suddenly called out to which Soraru just hummed to as his thumb continued to caress the back of Mafu's hand.

Since he wasn't looking at Mafumafu, having his head leaned on his shoulder, he couldn't see the red shade coloring the albino's pale cheeks.

"C-can you kiss me?" Mafumafu suddenly blurted out, his blush darkening.

Soraru just smiled to himself before sitting up straight and looking at Mafu.

"You didn't even have to ask," Soraru simply said before leaning closer to Mafu, his hand going to his nape as he press his lips against Mafu's soft ones.

Mafumafu let out a satisfied noise and he pulled his hand away from Soraru's clutch as he contented himself on the raven's chest, gripping on the fabric of Soraru's shirt.

Their lips moved slowly against each other as they tried to replenish their desire for one another. But then even Soraru wasn't that patient. And neither was Mafumafu.

When the raven pulled away slightly, Mafumafu unintentionally let out a soft whine before chasing to meet Soraru's lips again. He lightly bit Soraru's bottom lip and he moved closer to his lover before opting to sit on his lap.

Mafumafu wrapped his arms around Soraru's neck and he pecked the raven's lips.

"Soraru-san, more," he let out, looking at Soraru's eyes.

Meanwhile, Soraru just sat quietly, enjoying his lover's newly found courage.

He obliged to the albino's request and pulled him in for another kiss, this time more heated and passionate.

He swiftly slid his tongue inside as he tilted his head for better access, blushing slightly at the moan that Mafumafu suddenly let out.

He swirled his tongue with Mafu's, feeling the soft organ rubbing with his and it was making him feel hot. Soraru pulled away for a while, allowing Mafu to take a breath before angling his head to the other side and kissing Mafumafu deeply again.

He rubbed his tongue on all the right places, making Mafumafu tremble and clutch tightly on Soraru. By now, both of them were drooling but neither seem to mind.

When Mafumafu felt like he was going to pass out, he felt Soraru pulling away and biting on his lip.

Both were out of breath and even Soraru's face were embarrassingly red. Mafumafu is worse though. His chest was heaving as he took in big gulps of breath and he was trembling, his face beet red and he was drooling too.

The albino looked up at Soraru before squirming and going in for another kiss.

Soraru let out a groan and he held the back of Mafu's head as he dominated the kiss once again. He kissed the albino heatedly and sloppily as he got even more aroused.

His hands went under Mafu's shirt, rubbing his sides and caressing his back gently.

He was occasionally pulling away, a thin bridge of saliva connecting their tongues, before angling his head and plunging his tongue inside Mafumafu's mouth again. It was driving them both crazy.

Mafumafu could feel Soraru's bulge throbbing as he squirmed and he grinded against it, making Soraru pull away to groan before harshly kissing Mafu again.

As they were busy, they didn't notice two men coming inside. Not until they heard a gasp and a loud shriek, making them both jump and turn to look behind them.

Standing there were Urata and Sakata.

Urata looked like he wanted to scream and Sakata just stood there, awkwardly blushing.

"Well, I guess we came at a bad time. Enjoy, though!" Urata shouted before grabbing Sakata's hand and dragging him out of the house.

Mafumafu had his mouth open and he blushed wildly before whining and hiding his face on Soraru's chest.

"Embarrassing! That was embarrassing!!" Mafumafu whined out loudly. He couldn't believe that someone had just witnessed th
at and he felt like he would die from embarrassment.

Soraru just shrugged and licked his lips which were slightly swollen.

He wiped his mouth and just carried Mafu to their room to continue their... activities.

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