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It was already late by the time Soraru and Mafumafu left the restaurant and they decided to just take a walk. They both have no place in mind and they just wanted to enjoy the presence of each other. Mafumafu was supposed to stay with Amatsuki for tonight but knowing the brunette, he would be too immersed in his party and would be far too out of reach for him tonight so he decided to just go with Soraru.

He wasn’t going to complain when the raven was being so kind to him too. Mafumafu kept talking and talking about whatever stuff that came to mind and Soraru was absorbing every bit of it, giving short comments and chuckles every now and then.

Soraru usually isn’t one of those people who enjoy listening to other rant about pointless stuff, but for some reason, Mafumafu’s voice is just pulling him in, sending him into his own world. Mafumafu’s voice was soothing to him and it makes him calm and makes him want to listen to Mafumafu forever. He was enjoying Mafumafu’s company too much.

They walked a little further until Mafumafu spotted a bench. He pulled Soraru towards it and they sat down. Soraru noticed that Mafumafu didn’t let go of his hand and he made no move to pull it away too.

“It’s getting a bit cold, huh?” Mafumafu spoke, his voice calm and soft now that they were in a much quieter place.

Soraru didn’t say anything at first and he looked at their hands before adjusting it and taking Mafu’s smaller hand into his own and intertwining their fingers together. It made Mafumafu’s cheeks tint into a more pinkish color and he squeezed Soraru’s hand.

“It’s not that cold,” Soraru said and Mafumafu only hummed before moving closer to Soraru and resting his head on his shoulder. He looked at their linked hands and he rubbed his thumb on Soraru’s skin.

The silence was not uncomfortable in any way but it was obvious that both of them had a lot to say. But neither of them can form words at the moment.

None of them made a move or say anything for a while until Mafu felt Soraru nudging his head away for a bit, making Mafumafu quickly sit up, thinking that he had intruded into Soraru's space too much, to which Soraru waved his hand off to.

“Mafu,” Soraru started. He sounded serious and it made Mafu nervous, for some reason.

What Soraru said next made Mafu’s heart stop.

“I’m leaving.”

The albino stared at Soraru with wide eyes, confusion swimming deep in those ruby eyes.

“W-What do you mean by that-“ he was cut off by Soraru, the older having his finger pressed in to Mafu’s lips.

“Now, I know that we both just met," Soraru continued, and he smiled a bit.

He was staring at Mafumafu and the other felt like he could melt from Soraru's stare. He was looking at him with such passion and gentleness and it was making Mafu's heart ache with longing.

"I'm leaving back to my hometown and I want you to come with me," Soraru said and he removed his finger from Mafu's lips. 

The sudden request surprised Mafumafu and his eyes widened when Soraru's words finally sank in his shocked mind.

"W-What? But why?" Mafumafu let out, tilting his head a bit in confusion.

He couldn't think of a reason as to why Soraru was suddenly inviting him to go with him. Besides, he doesn't even know where Soraru lives. And most of all, he was thinking about how this is not good for his heart that was ready to burst any minute now for Soraru.

The raven sighed loudly and Mafumafu wondered if he angered the older somehow. He looked at Soraru and he was proven wrong instantly. Soraru was frowning but his pale cheeks were slowly changing into a deep red.

Mafumafu thought that this was cute but he was still confused so he waited for Soraru to say something.

The older cleared his throat and he looked at Mafumafu after composing himself for a bit.

“I’m saying that I want to take you home with me… I-If that’s okay with you. I don’t really want to separate from you,” Soraru said and he blushed again but held his gaze.

He smiled and he brushed a hand on Mafumafu’s cheek.

Mafumafu flushed too and he looked down since he was feeling overwhelmed.

He really had no plans, whatsoever, hence why he was forced by Amatsuki to that stupid party earlier, which he now thinks is a blessing since he got to meet Soraru, after all.

He was still second guessing everything but one thing he was sure of is that he felt the same as Soraru. He doesn’t want to let go of Soraru too. Not when he had shown him such gentleness and gave him the warmth that he didn’t know he was craving for. In such short time, he felt as if he had spent centuries with Soraru and he was admittedly attached to the older so fast that it was really unbelievable.

His mind was buzzing with all kinds of thoughts but his heart was only saying one thing.

He moved closer to Soraru and he wrapped his arms around the older.


ah, yes. im still alive hhh

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! im so sorry this was so short i had different plans for this plot bbbut i might not finish it at this rate....

i hope 2019 will be good for everyone m(__ __)m

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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