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New Kid

"Mum, I don't want to go." I whined, avoiding her glare.

"Harry, it's fine. It's a whole new school, new town, new country. Nobody knows you, it's a fresh start." She tried to motivate me knowing I wouldn't understand. "What if I take you for ice cream after?" She smiled down at me.

I happily stood and nodded, "Fine, mummy. I'll go." I went to grab my small white sneakers. How could I not say yes to ice cream? "Chocolate?" I cheekily questioned her.

"Yes, chocolate, love." Her hand ruffled my hair gently. Mummy walked to the front door to grab her car keys. "Let's go, Harry. You'll be late." I happily ran to her with my small backpack over my shoulder, reaching for her hand.

The drive to the school was quite fun for the both of us, really. It was full of loud singing, happy laughs, and looking at the pretty trees. I couldn't help but stare in awe at how wet it was here, I loved the rain. Splashing in puddles and playing in the mud was my favorite. I just couldn't wait to get home to do so.

"Look at my baby." Anne smiled as she adjusted my shirt slightly. We were just outside of the school doors, Anne kneeled down to my height. "My little first year." Her arms hugged me tightly. "Want me to walk you in?" She asked, making sure everything on me was tied or buckled, straightening my clothes.

"No mummy, I'm a big boy!" I placed a big wet kiss on my mum's face. "Love you mummy. See you after school." I waved goodbye as I waddled down the hall, noting all of the pretty art work on the walls.

Anne smiled and waved goodbye, walking back to her car.

I wondered down the hall and eventually found the room,  remembering going just three days prior.

"I'm Harry!" I introduced myself to my teacher. She had a small smile on her lips, greeting me.

"I'm Ms. Matthews. You can go ahead and take a seat by..." Her eyes scanned the small room, landing on an empty seat. "There. Next to Beatrice. Beatrice, raise your hand please, hon." The small brunette girl did as she was told.

I sat next to her timidly, I was never good around girls.

  "You can just call me Bea." She smiled at me shyly. "Only Ms. Matthews calls me Beatrice. Well, besides my mom when she's mad." She shrugged. "Who are you?"

  "I'm Harry." I gave her my hand to shake like the true gentleman I was.

  "Nice to meet you, Harry." She giggled as she shook my hand. What was funny? I wondered.

  "What's your favorite color?" Bea asked me. Before I could even answer, though, she went ahead and put in some input. "Mine is yellow. Not many people like yellow. I love it." She gestured to her yellow folder and hair bow.

"I like red." I shrugged.

This girl talks a lot, I thought to myself.

  The rest of the day was slow. First they studied adding, then had a play time, then lunch. After lunch they had recess, then it was time for Ms. Matthews to read to the class. After reading was nap time, then more play time. First grade wasn't so bad so far.

  It was much better than how things were back Holmes Chapel, but that's different story for a different time.

Bea and I ended up becoming friends by the end of the day, despite her excessive need to talk. We walked out of school holding hands and laughing about the show we shared a mutual love for.

My mum was waiting out front, impatiently waiting to hear all about my day. I was happy to introduce her to Bea so I let her take the lead, "After you!" I smiled happily with my teeth

"Mummy, this is Bea!" I introduced my new friend to her, "Her real name is Beatrice but only Ms. Matthews and her mummy call her that."

Bea waved at Anne shyly with a bright smile. "I'm Beatrice Elaine Anderson." She reached out to shake Anne's hand, mimicking what I did earlier that morning.

"I am Anne Selley, nice to meet you Beatrice Anderson." She shook the girls hand gently with a laugh. "Such a polite little girl."

"Thank you. I should really be going, I'll miss the bus." She waved a small goodbye to Anne. "Bye Harry! Bye Anne!"

In unison Anne and I both said a goodbye to Bea. "She was cute." She teased me, earning a bright pink blush on my cheeks.

"Yes mummy. Ice cream?" I changed the subject, getting into the car.

"Ice cream." She smiled and looked for the closest ice cream shop to our home.


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