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star boy

  Counted all my mistakes and there's only one,
Standing out from the list of the things I've done.
All the rest of my crimes don't come close
To the look on your face when I let you go.

I quietly read over the wrinkled and tear stained paper. That was the most difficult time of life in America by far. My heart ached more and more with each day that passed without her.

So I built you a house from a broken home
And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down
Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?
Yeah, the a taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue
Is at the top of the list of the things I want
Mind is running in circles of you and me
Anyone in between is the enemy
Shadows come with the pain that you're running from
Love was something you've never heard enough
Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down
Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go?

I felt my lips mouth the scribbled text. I just couldn't believe she forgave me.

"Harry?" Her sweet voice pulled me from my thoughts. Our sweet, beautiful baby girl was in her arms, sucking gently on her fingers. "Somebody wants their daddy." She laughed and cooed at Celeste as she handed her to me.

"Hey, beautiful." I kissed the chubby baby's cheeks. She was officially six months old. I was the most proud father ever. She was so genuinely happy and bright, I knew she would do amazing things in life. How couldn't she? She was my daughter, after-all.

Her slippery fingers grabbed at my face, making me chuckle slightly. I had never been too keen with germs but I could never be disgusted by Celeste. I would do anything for her. Nothing that she could ever do would ever disgust me. Spit up? No problem. Dirty diaper? Didn't faze me. That was my life and I wouldnt have had it any other way.

"Look at that smile!" I cooed, holding her close. "And those beautiful hazel eyes!"My heart fluttered. You never know the joy of having a child until you actually have one.

The small patch of dirty blonde hair on her head stuck in all different directions. She had just woken up and my heart nearly burst from the cuteness.

"I've got a performance today, love." I reminded Beatrice as I tickled Celeste's sides gently. Her small, loud laughs were music to my ears. "It's at the zoo. Gemma is going, she's taking Zoe I think. And that bum, Zachary." Zoe was three months old. Gemma had herself a baby girl, too. "You should invite Dani and Liam!" I suggested, kissing Celeste's head and handing her to Bea. "So that you can know someone there."

"Sounds fun, babe. I'll text Dani." She nodded and bounced Celeste on her hip as she did so. "What songs are you doing today?" She asked putting our Celeste on the floor to play with her toys.

"Kiwi, Where Do Broken Hearts Go, Sign of the Times, and Woman." I listed off the songs. "I think, anyways." I took up song writing between jobs while Beatrice was gone. The period after I got out of the hospital was an extremely hard time and I had to distract myself. Girls wasn't an option, I was trying my hardest to win her trust back. I hated myself for the pain I caused my sweet girl.

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