His End

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Content Warning: This chapter will include adult themes such as drugs, alcohol, sexual assault, and extreme violence. This is your warning. Please do not read further if sensitive to any of these subjects.

The smell of liquor seeping out of my pores is overwhelming and my whole body shakes as I stumble through the bar. I can feel myself crying but I don't ever make a sound, finally finding my way into the bathroom. I shove my way past a group of guys and get a couple of 'Hey man watch out' and 'Fuck you''s. I close the stall door behind me and lean all of my body weight against it. I pull the miniature Ziploc-like bag out of my coat pocket and flick it with my index finger. Minutes go by as I stare at it, really weighing out my options.

"Why am I so fucked up?" I mumble to myself before finally bringing myself to pour the bag's contents onto the toilet paper dispenser. I form it into the straightest line I can manage and in the blink of an eye it's gone. "Fuck." I hiss at the burn I've felt for the fifth time tonight.

"You think anyone will ever believe you, silly boy? You're just as naive as your mother." He hisses before his palm collides with my bottom. I yelp in pain and try to screw my eyes shut even tighter. Maybe if I don't look he'll stop. God, please stop.

His smile is wicked as his lanky fingers tug himself through the hole in his boxer-briefs. "Please, daddy, no." I cry out and try to gather enough courage to run. Maybe I'll be fast enough this time. I weigh out my options, take the chance and try to escape or not be quick enough and get the same punishment as every other time before. It just isn't worth it.

"Be still, Harry." His voice is loud and it echoes through the small bathroom. "Be a good boy for me. Be a good boy for daddy. You're so pretty." His words are soft but his tone and grip on my wrists are anything but. I do as I'm told and lay still, I really don't want to upset him any further.

I didn't mean to be a bad boy, daddy. I'm sorry. I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry. I'll do better, I promise. I pinky promise. Just please, please stop.

"So, so pretty, Harry." Is all I hear before his hips jolt forward and I feel the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life. I can't stop the blood-curdling scream from escaping my lips. Daddy's punished me many ways but never like this. I must have been really, really bad.

I feel the tears run down my cheeks and my tummy starts to hurt. Feels like I might throw up my lunchable. I just want my mummy.

I throw my head back and pop in a few more of my pills, taking a swig from my flask. Please, take the pain away. The memories, everything. Take it all, I'm begging. Everything weighs heavy on my heart, my mind racing a mile a minute. I'd do anything to forget how bad of a person he was, how badly I suffered the consequences of actions that weren't mine. Why do terrible things happen to good people?

My forehead was drenched with sweat, my hair stuck against it like it'd been glued. I'm so consumed in my emotions that I almost don't hear the door open. The footsteps seem as loud as gunshots and it makes my head ache. Why the fuck are your footsteps so heavy? When I notice that this person is now standing outside of my stall in a room full of empty ones my body freezes. Everything is so blurry, I'm so out of it; I'm not truly sure whether this is actually happening or not.

"Harry." The man speaks and I nearly go into cardiac arrest on the spot. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. No, no. No. Please, no.

His grunts and groans fill the room and I feel like I might actually die. My bum hurts so bad, please stop daddy. I want to beg him but I know better. His hands very suddenly grab ahold of my neck and all hope I have of making it out alive disappears. I start to actually fucking pray to God to help me, to take this pain away. I beg him to take me away from here, anything would be better than this.

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