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  "This will be perfect!" Beatrice squealed happily, slipping on her white shirt. It was her nineteenth birthday party, AKA pregnancy announcement and gender reveal. Nobody knew what was coming, Beatrice was excellent at hiding her pregnancy. She was only 15 weeks and I couldn't wait to meet my child. I was so ready to be a father at only nineteen. We were already graduated, we both had jobs, and we were working on getting our own place.

  "I cant wait to find out. I cant wait to see their faces! They'll never see this coming." I laughed as I rubbed her belly slowly. My beautiful fiancée was carrying my child and it just left me flabbergasted. I would give the baby anything in the world. 

  "I still think it's a boy." Beatrice smiled up at me, resting her hand on mine.

  "I think it's a girl." I shrugged and kissed her cheek. "It's just a feeling I have in my gut, yanno?" Beatrice answered with a smile playful roll of her eyes, shoving my shoulder gently.

"I think I would know my own body, Harry." She smirked and looked down at her growing belly with a happy smile.

"Let's go get Liam and then go to the party, love." I grabbed her hand and led her out of my mum's house. Liam was the only one who knew about the baby, he was the one assigned the gender for the reveal. We decided on revealing the gender to our friends and family by being blindfolded and squirting paint the color of the baby's gender all over one another.

My mum managed to gather enough money to bring Gemma home with us when we had left from our hometown. I was so happy to finally have her home. She was finally able to be a part of our lives again and it just really completed our family. Beatrice cried when her and Gemma met and I never knew why.
I parked the car once we got to the small park near Beatrice's house. We got out and walked to the small decorated pavilion. Nobody had arrived besides Liam, Bea, and I. Liam had a wide smile on his face, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Congratulations, brother." He gave me a hug and patted my back. "I hope you don't mind that I invited Dani?" He smiled cheekily with a bit of some puppy dog eyes directed towards Beatrice.

"Of course not, Liam." Bea assured him with a hug. "Dani is a good friend of mine, actually." Her hand patted at his shoulder gently.

"Let's finish getting ready before everyone gets here?" Liam suggested with a loud "hoorah" afterwards. He really was an amazing friend.

"Hello? Hello? Everybody!" I got everyone's attention, waving my arms in the air. "I would just like to wish my beautiful fiancée a happy birthday." I began, gesturing to Bea. Everyone smiled and a few "aw"'s were shared. "Also, we have an announcement for the all of you." I smiled, reaching down for Bea's hand. My heart began to beat faster. This was it. I hoped everyone would be supportive, especially my mum and Gemma.

Everybody's eyes were focused on us intensely, like they were trying to figure it out. "We are expecting our first child on the twenty-third of November." I announced, loud and clear. "Not only is this Beatrice's birthday celebration, but also her pregnancy announcement! Also, the gender reveal. Beatrice is now fifteen weeks." I rambled on and on. I was quite nervous. "Liam?" I looked over at my best friend. In his hands were two blindfolds, ready to be put on us.

I was so caught up in the moment of announcing it that I didn't notice our family and friends crying. My mum's face was bright red, her eyes pink and puffy. They were happy tears. I had never been more relieved. "I'm going to be a nan!" My mum laughed and threw her arms up in celebration. This was the happiest I had seen her in ages.

"Now for the blindfolds!" Liam cheered, holding them up. "Anne, do you mind?" He asked for her help. She stood and grabbed one of the blindfolds, walking towards me.

While she tied it around my head she whispered a small, "I'm so proud of you, Harry." Before kissing my cheek and I'm assuming returning back to her seat.

"Now, the paint!" Liam was so excited as if it was Danielle expecting a baby. I didn't mind, though. I was just glad he was happy. He handed us the bottles of paint. I was starting to get more nervous. This was it! We were about to find out if we were having a baby girl or a baby boy. "Go!"

Beatrice and I both started squirting the paint in eachother's direction and I was a laughing mess. I just couldn't help it. There was so much love and excitement in the air. Everyone around us was screaming and clapping. It was so chaotic but one of the most memorable moments of my whole life. It was wonderful.

I couldn't take the anticipation anymore so I ripped the blindfold off of my head, instantly falling to my knees. The paint was pink. I was having a beautiful baby girl. I sobbed like there was no tomorrow. I could not have ever been more happy to see two pink stained t-shirts in my life.

I brought myself to my feet and hugged Bea so tight, kissing her happily. I even found myself picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. I was finally so genuinely happy with my life that nothing else mattered. It was just me, Bea, Liam, my mum, Gemma, and my beautiful baby girl. That was all I had ever needed; my family.

happy birthday, Harry x

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