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theodore harold

"Harry!" Beatrice called from the main room. "Phone!"

  "Phone? Who could possibly be calling me at this hour?" I laughed, walking towards her. I had Celeste on my side, giggling as I kissed at her chubby cheeks.

  "Hello? This is Harry." I spoke, trying to tame her giggles. "Shh, baby girl. Daddy's on the phone."

  "It's funny that you say that, actually." The girl spoke. "I had to get your number from Gemma, which I totally didn't know was your sister by the way." She rambled, who even was this?

  "Who's this?" I repeated my thoughts, bouncing Celeste up and down to keep her from melting down. It was almost nap time.

"You don't remember? It's me, Hailey." My heart sank. What could she possibly want with me now? It had been well over a year.

"Oh. Hailey." Was all I could manage to say. "May I ask why you're calling?"

"I'm calling because I almost feel as if your son would like to talk to you. He turned one not too long ago, he's beautiful. Blonde hair, green eyes." She almost laughed. I was shocked to say the absolute least.

  "Beatrice, please, grab Celeste. I've got to get some air." I tried my best to stay calm. I didn't want to alarm her just yet. I had to figure out a way to tell her. I didn't even know how this was possible, it was only one time in at the party! Well, maybe a couple more times after. It was all such a blur.

"Harry, babe, are you alright?" She tried to look me in the eyes but I quickly turned.

"Yeah, I've got to go." I tried to force a smile before setting down my baby girl and running towards the door.

I put my phone to my ear and heard a small snicker. "Baby mama trouble?" She taunted me.

"Yeah, with you. That was my wife, whom I love with all of my being." I assured her, and myself, before I could do anything to jeopardize it all.

  "Wife? You met someone, married her, and got her pregnant all since you left? That poor bitch!" Her laugh echoed through the phone, my anger rising.

  "You listen here, Hailey. Im not going to bad mouth you or try to hurt you because you are the mother of my child but if you ever once say some shit like that about Beatrice again I will ruin you. Understand me? I don't have to explain myself to anyone, especially not you." My breathing was rapid, my hands pulling at my hair as I paced up and down the street. She fell silent and I honestly felt bad.

  "What's his name?" I spoke softly, trying my best to be friendly.

  "Theo. Well, Theodore. After my dad, actually." She chuckled sadly. "I reckon you don't care much for that, though. His middle name is Harold, after you."

  "Theo." I whispered softly, close to tears. "Does he know anything about me?"

  "Of course. We stay up late at night just to watch videos of his "da" performing. I would never talk down on you to your own son. Especially when I didn't even give you the chance to know of him until now." We we're both more calm, more collected, than before. No bickering, no arguing. Just simply talking about our son. I had a son.

  "Could I talk to him.. maybe? Does he talk? My daughter, Celeste, she can barely babble a few words and she's about fifteen months."

"Im sure he would love to do as best as he could to talk to you." I could almost hear her soft smile. I never cared much for the girl but from that day on she would hold a special place in my heart. "Theo, love! I've got a surprise! Come here, babes." She cooed, laughing at the small boy. I could here faint giggles through the phone, making my heart race.

"Say hello, babe." She encourages him, only receiving a small coo.

"Hello, bud." I couldn't help but laugh. How fucking crazy that I had two kids before could even think about turning twenty-one. It seemed as if I was the most fertile man in the world. "It's me, your Da!" I laughed some more. The situation I was in was so incredibly stressful but the worry faded a bit as I tuned in to the gasp and happy screams of my son.

  "Harry? What the hell is taking you so long? Who are you talking to? Did I hear that right? Da? As in dad?" I was completely caught off guard when Bea bombarded me with a million questions. "God, Harry, you really just can't stop fucking up, can you?" She started to yell, snatching the phone from my hand. "Go, get your ass inside."

  I assumed I would see a curious Celeste at the door but no such luck. It was me she was shooing, her knuckles white as she gripped my phone.

  "Please, Beatrice, be nice. It's my son on the phone, ask to speak to his mummy before you say anything else." I warned her, my head low. I walked into our small house, being greeted by the hazel eyes and fluffy dirty blonde hair of Celeste.

  "Let's go, nap time." I sighed, not even bothering to pick her up. I walked to her bedroom, opening the door for us both. I could hear her whining as she tried to keep up with me, her waddles nowhere near as efficient as my long strides.

Once she was fast asleep, I sat in the rocking chair just beside her as I waited for the storm that is Beatrice Elaine Styles.

"Harry, please come with me." She whispered, trying not to disturb Celeste.

"What's the final verdict?" I tried to lighten the mood a bit, she simply rolled her eyes.

"I want nothing more than to hate them, and you, but I just can't." She sighed, catching me completely off guard.

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