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I do.

  Beatrice and I agreed on waiting a long time before we actually got married. We both wanted Celeste to be able to be in the wedding and there was no changing that. It was going to be the most special day of our lives. Besides the day Celeste was born, of course.

  Our wedding was scheduled two months after Celeste's first birthday. January twenty-ninth, we were to wed. All my life I was always afraid of commitment, I was terrified of special occasions. They were always so much fuss and I couldn't handle the stress. But my wedding day? No fear, no nerves. I was beyond ready to call her my wife.

  "Good morning, love." Her sleepy voice cooed, her arms wrapping around my body. I pulled her close and smiled wide.

  "Good morning, baby." I pulled her so close that it was almost uncomfortable. It was finally the day. I wanted to cherish and enjoy that day as much as humanly possible.

  Her eyes fluttered shut, her lips pursed in the cutest little grin. "I'm going to be your wife." She sleepily whispered.

  "And I'm going to be your husband." I kissed the top of her head sweetly, slowly sitting up on my arms. "We'd best get up. Everyone will be over pretty soon." I reminded her. She sat up and pulled her hair into a messy pony tail, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "I cant believe I won't be able to see you until you're walking down the aisle. Im going to miss you so much." I grabbed her and held her close. Ever since the break we took I've been extremely affectionate and clingy. I didn't want to ever lose her again.

  "I'm going to miss you too, Harry." She laughed and kissed my lips gently.

  "You're going to look so fucking beautiful." I smirked, grabbing at her ass gently. "My beautiful wife." I couldn't help but smile like a loon at the title. My wife. "Beatrice Elaine Styles!" I yelled excitedly, our laughter filling the room.

  "You're going to wake Cel." She hushed me, laughing at me. "You're perfect. Do you know that?" She stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up with her. "Absolutely perfect."


"Liam, I'm so fucking nervous." I admitted to my best friend. The nerves finally got to me. I was beyond nervous, I couldn't contain it.

  "Harry, it'll be fine! You got this. She really loves you, man. If she didn't, we wouldn't be here." His hands firmly grabbed my shoulders, his bright white smile shining at me. "This day isn't about being perfect. This day is about you and her promising eachother forever. Promising love and everything else you have to offer."

  "You have no clue what you're saying, do you?" My loud laughter echoed in the small room. We were at the small church Beatrice attended her whole life. She had always had her heart set on getting married at the church and I would've done absolutely anything for her.

  "No." He shrugged, "but you get my point. Don't be nervous. Be yourself. Everyone here loves you." He assured me, patting me on the back. He checked his watch and smirked. "It's time."

  We walked towards the main room of the church, my heart began to race. I led Liam to the front where me, him, and Beatrice's younger brother, George, stood. Everyone was sitting, waiting. I felt myself begin to sweat. I had so much anticipation towards this day and it was finally here.

  The music started to play and I could almost feel my stomach in my throat. The door slowly opened and that's when my life truly began. My mum and Celeste walked down the aisle, Celeste's baby hands grabbing at the basket of flowers. Anne smiled at my child and kissed her cheek, Celeste giggling loudly.

  I never thought I would see a day where I had so much love in my heart and in my life. I had always been so fucking angry, but here I was. On my wedding day with my beautiful baby girl and my mum as the flower girls. Beatrice's family and our friends all staring in awe at her loud laughter. It was the most memorable moment of my whole life. Then I saw her.

  She walked in the room timidly, her arm locked with her father's. The long white dress clung on her body in the most perfect way. My body leaned over, my hands on my knees. I didn't even realize what I was doing, honestly. I felt myself start to tear up, she was so fucking beautiful. I had so much love for her and our life it was almost unbearable. Nothing is perfect but in that moment it felt like nothing could ever be wrong again.

  I wiped away the tears in my eyes, grabbing her hand as she reached the end of the aisle. "You look so beautiful, Beatrice." I choked out, smiling widely.

  "Don't cry, my love." She chuckled slightly and wiped at my cheeks gently. "Let's do this." She whispered, grabbing my hand firmly.

  The ceremony was very emotional for me. My mum and Gemma, too. We all knew how far I had come. Ever since I was younger, my mum thought I would struggle finding someone and letting them in. It was a huge struggle, yes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They both constantly reminded me of how proud they were of me during the days leading up to my wedding. I was so thankful to have them both there for me.

  "Vows?" The pastor asked, I started.

"I'm not really known for having a way with words. Uh... you know when you're a kid, adults will tell you a lot of things." My teeth tugged at my lips, my hands getting sweaty.

  "But one thing they neglect to mention is how...sad life can be. I was raised in a very awful environment until I moved here. In the process, I lost who was supposed to be my father. But Anne...she lost her husband." I looked at my mum with my tear filled eyes. She was crying, too.

  "And that killed me. Well, we got by, but looking back? I-I want to apologize to you, mum. What we were living just...wasn't living." I looked back at Beatrice, caressing her cheek gently.

  "You know that saying, that when God closes a door, he opens a window? Well, sometimes out of nowhere, he'll do you one better, and he'll kick a whole wall down. He grabbed me by the shoulders, and he pointed me towards this woman right here. And he said, "There she is. Go get her." You're everything, Beatrice. Words can't describe you. You're everything. And I will love you till the day I die." I finished my vows to the beautiful woman before me, tears running down both of our faces. Sniffles were heard all throughout the room, an occasional sob coming from my mum. I didn't mind, though. She had every right to cry.

  "Harry.." Beatrice whispered. "I love you more than life, I promise you that. Through sickness and health. Heck, through anything. I will never leave you, never again. Im yours. Truly. Completely." Her voice was frail as she wiped at her face with a tissue.

  The priest carried on with the ceremony, asking us if we took one another as our spouses.

"I do."

"I do."

We exchanged rings carefully. My heart was on the fucking floor. I loved that girl so, so much.

"You May kiss the bride, Harry." He spoke. I had no hesitation when I grabbed onto her face, placing my lips firmly onto hers.

"I love you. I mumbled on her mouth, smiling against it.

"I love you."


Happy late Valentine's Day.

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