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Bea My Valentine?

  "Mum, can I get Bea this bear?" I picked up a small, fluffy, white bear from the shelf. "It's got a yellow heart, her favorite color. Mum, please!"

  "Harry.." Anne sighed, trailing off. "We don't have the money right now, love. I'm sure Beatrice would love a homemade card?" She smiled sadly at me.

  "It's fine, mum." I shrugged and put it down. I was upset, sure, but I wouldn't ever let my mum know that. She was doing her best to be a single parent. I knew she was having a hard time. It had been four years since we had left everything behind. "Do you think she'll be my Valentine? Do you think she will say yes? I'm nervous." I admitted to my mother.

  "I'm sure she will, Haz." She couldn't help but gush at her son. How adorable. "You are a very charming young man. Only ten years old and already such a gentleman."

  "I've always been mature for my age, mum." I laughed, walking with her through the aisles of food.

"I know. Always been mummy's big boy, huh?" She teased me playfully. "How does peanut butter and jelly sound for dinner?"

  "It sounds great." I assured Anne, grabbing a loaf of bread.

  I was so beyond nervous. I had the card in my hand, the paper slightly crinkled from the slight sweat on my hands. I approached Bea at lunch and tapped her shoulder.

  "Bea?" My voice cracked slightly. Beatrice turned around in her seat.

  "Hey, Harry!" She smiled brightly. We were in fifth grade and only had one class together now, horizons english. We missed each-other greatly.

  "Hey, um.." I nervously bit his lip, reaching for her hand. I kissed it gently, trying my best to replicate the movies mum watched religiously. "Beatrice Anderson, will you be my Valentine?" I stuttered out, my cheeks a bright red color.

  Bea's face was just as red, she was so surprised. Her girl-friends giggled and squealed beside her, encouraging her.

  "Yes, of course, Harry." A small squeal escaped her lips, encouraging me.

  "I made this for you." I handed her the small white card with a scribbled version of the bear from the supermarket, art was not my strong suit.

  "It's beautiful." She gushed and stood to hug me. "Thank you, Harry."

"You're welcome." Is all I managed to say. Her slender arms were wrapped around me and my heart was pounding. I promised myself I would never forget this moment, which I never did.

We sat together at Bea's lunch table, laughing and talking for the rest of the lunch period.

"I'll see you in English." I waved goodbye to her.

"You too." She walked away, shamelessly squealing with her friends about how the cutest boy was her valentine.

  "Oo, Hazza! Got a little girlfriend there?" My friend, Liam, teased me as we headed to math.

  "Maybe." I laughed, shaking my head. "Hopefully someday, when it matters, you know?" I shrugged and shoved Liam's shoulder playfully. "How's Danielle?" I teased him for his long time crush, laughing and running from him. It was good to forget all the bad thing me and mum left behind, even if it was just for a while.

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