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Six Times Two

A table surrounded by all of our dearest friends and family. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Celeste and Theo, happy birthday to you!" We all sang happily. The cheers and laughter echoed through our large home as they blew out their candles. It had been about five years since our families were completed. We were whole now, happily celebrating the birthdays of our first borns.

Let me give the run down of who exactly surrounded our large dining room table; there sat my mum, Gemma, Zach, Zoe, Liam, Danielle, Kaila, Josiah, Beatrice, Celeste, Theo, Hailey, Brody, Lia, Stevie, and of course yours truly. If you're confused, let me elaborate further. Liam and Danielle? Two kids! Kaila and Josiah. Absolute sweethearts with the curliest of hair. Brody, Lia, Stevie? Brody is Hailey's husband and Lia and Stevie are their twin girls. Better?

  It may seem weird to other's how close we all ended up being but I had never been happier. It was my prime. My wife, my family, my daughter and son, Hailey and her kids I loved as my own. Hailey and Beatrice worked to enjoy eachother's company more over the years and now they frequently take the kiddos out for play days. Oh, did I mention that Hailey and her family now lived down the street?

  "Happy sixth birthday my beautiful babies!" I laugh and give them both noogies. They squeal and protest with laughter. We decided to have a joint birthday party this year despite their three month difference. Well, it was more so a demand from the monsters themselves and us adults simply agreed.

"I love you daddy." Celeste laughed and turned her cheek for a kiss. I plopped a big wet one and she squealed in disgust, running from the chair. I chased her around everywhere around the house from the dining room, through the living room, up the stairs, to her room and back. At some point Theo and Zoe even jumped in. I had my own two kiddos by their waists, dangling them upside down. I spun around three times and they were manic in laughing fits. I put them down to release them to eat cake play with their siblings and cousin.

  There we sat, admiring our amazing life. Lots of tiny feet pattering through the halls of our mansion. Yes, mansion. The mansion I could officially afford with the overwhelming success of my career. I wasn't where I wanted to be but we were more than comfortable financial wise and was slowing down in my career for one thing in particular. "You know, we have a girl and boy. What do you say we take our chances and try for the last baby boy I promise you?" I speak and look over at Beatrice. She smiles wide and is speechless.

  "I- Wh-.. Are you sure?" She laughs and furrows her eyebrows at me. I would say I was shocked by her surprise but I'm really not. We had discussed it time and time again. How badly she ached for another. I promised her we would but to wait for the right time in my career. I had been off of tour for a year and my next album was officially complete. I was twenty-five and had completed much more than anyone expected, I was ready to settle down again for a while.

  "Yes, my love. One hundred percent sure. I'm ready. I want one more little booger leaving their adorable mess in my life."

  "I love you! I love you I love you!" She screamed and jumped into my lap, twirling us around in the kitchen barstool. My lips crashed onto hers eagerly but as sweet as can be. She ran her fingers through my hair and tugged at it roughly, my laughter vibrating through our kiss and echoing through the room.

  "Relax woman, not this moment! It's our kids' birthday's. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you!" I smirk and lead her into the living room with the rest of the party. I grabbed my phone and turned music on through the wall speakers, smiling at my woman.

"Care to dance, my beautiful Bea?" I reach out my hand for hers. It wasn't even your typical dance music, it was just a playlist of our kids' favorite songs from the shows they loved. We didn't care. We danced our hearts out, as did the rest of our ever-growing family.


"One more." I ask the bartender with tears in my eyes. Am I doing better? Yes, one hundred percent. I've been seeing a therapist and actually communicating with her for seven months. Seven! Yes, progress is good but I will always carry my trauma with me and it will always be something I have to battle. I take it day by day and it's good enough for me. Today just happens to be a bad one.

Last one before I head home. Already called the cab. Love you🐝

I can't help but smile at my corny usage of the little bumble bee emoticon.

Okay. Miss you times a billion. 🐝 safe. (;

I let a full on laugh out at her reply and my heart swells. So silly and happy, a huge contrast to my dark and scary. I'm happy that by the grace of God that in this case, opposites certainly did attract.

"Actually, give it to someone else. On me, of course. Wanna go home to my wife." I mumbled with a massive smile on my face, I love that woman.

On my way!

Stupid fucking preset messages, why are they so enthusiastic? A simple 'Omw' sends the message perfectly fine.

I stumble out of the bar with my hands tucked deeply into my pockets, looking around for my cab. Everything is slightly fuzzy from the buzz but I manage to spot the damned thing two blocks down.

As I make my way towards it, I feel a tingle on the back of my neck and my body feels rigid. I'm nervous, I feel like I'm being watched. Not the usual fan or paparazzi type watched, but more so get the fuck home as soon as you can kind of watched. I look around for any eyes on me but no such luck. Weird.

I get into my cab and confirm my address, laying my head back against the seat. Boy, I can't wait to go home to my wife. I love her so, so much. And Cellie, too, of course. She of course insisted that Theo and Zoe both stay the night for their birthday. Fine, fine. I'd give my kids the world and then some, anything to make them happy.

We reach my gate and I pay the driver, waving goodbye like we were best friends. God, I'm drunk. I type the four-digit code in and wait for the big metal gates with the ginormous 'S' on the front to open. I smile at the thought that I've somehow managed to be successful enough to have a house with a gate that has my fucking initials on it, I really made it.

With all odds against me, I beat the statistics. I made a life for myself after it was completely destroyed. I'm bettering myself slowly, I'm happy. I've got my family, my friends, my career. I'm happy.

I'm happy.


Happy thanksgiving to all of my fellow americans.(: Crappy short update but I really what to get to the following chapters. We're nearing the end, my babies. About five more chapters left. Enjoy :)

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