Chapter 22

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I'm sorry about not updating, it's been such a crazy week.

Archie's POV
I'm standing with Jughead and Reggie talking when I see a glimpse of Veronica out of the coroner of my eye. She's talking to Josie and Mrs. McCoy, and clearly it's about something funny because she's laughing. "Dude she's already your wife. You don't need to keep staring" Reggie says laughing. Jughead smirks and sips his beer "I'm gonna go socialize with my wife. Try and stay out of trouble" I say walking over to where Veronica is. "Hello" I say approaching the small group. "Hey Archie" Josie smiles and hugs me. "Congratulations, Archie" Sierra McCoy smiles at me. "Thank you" I say. "We'll leave you two alone, at your own wedding it's practically impossible to get a second alone with your wife" She says with a wink. We laugh and her and Josie walk over to their table. "I'm pretty sure this is the only second alone we've had all day" I say wrapping my arms around her waist. "We had the limo ride here. But we didn't do much talking" she says smirking. "Ah I have fond memories of that limo ride" I say reminiscing. "Have I mentioned how beautiful you look today" I say tucking a piece of her curled hair behind her ear. "Yes. About 1 million times. But I'm not tired of hearing it" she says smiling. I lean down and kiss her and she kisses back, but like usual we are interrupted. "Son, I hate to interrupt but I have yet to have a dance with my new daughter in law" My dad says approaching us. "She's all yours dad" I say stepping aside, trying to hide the fact that I do not want her to go. She takes my fathers hand and they walk off to the dance floor and I turn to find someone else to talk to.

"Attention everyone" Jughead says tapping his glass. "As the best man I'm being forced to give a speech" he says causing people to laugh and Veronica to roll her eyes. "But in all honesty I'd like to congratulate my two best friends in their marriage. How Archie convinced Veronica to marry him, no one knows, but I'm glad that she finally caved" more laughs come from the audience and Veronica squeezes my hand. "Here's to a lifetime of happiness. To Archie and Veronica" Jughead says raising his glass. We all raise our glasses and take a sip. I notice that Veronica is drinking water and I lean over to her "Why aren't you drinking champagne?" I whisper. "I've had 2 classes. Nothing is more cliche than a tipsy bride" she says with a wink. I smirk and move back into my seat for Betty's speech. "I would just like to congratulate Archie and Veronica on this wonderful occasion. I've known Archie since we were 4 years old, and I've met all of his girlfriends. And I mean all of them" she starts. People laugh and Veronica nudges my arm. "But none like Veronica. Not just because she's also my best friend but I've never met 2 people who bring out so much good in each other. After 10 years apart they still came back together with a stronger bond then ever, they are an inspiration to us all" Betty says with tears in her eyes. "Okay before I start crying, here's to you guys" she says raising her glass to us, the crowd doing the same thing. Veronica, also with tears in her eyes, stands to hug Betty. "That was beautiful. Thank you, B" she says. Betty hugs her back and starts talking to her but I can't hear over the conversations that have erupted throughout the party.

Veronica's POV
As the guest begin to file out of the venue I start to feel nervous. 2 weeks is the longest I've ever been away from Natalie. I'm sitting at my table with Natalie in my lap as my parents pack things in their car and prepare to take Natalie to their house. "Honey we'll take the gifts back to your apartment for you" my mom says as she walks back in. I smile and nod but keep my attention on Natalie. "Okay we need to go. Get this party animal to bed" my mom says rubbing Natalie's head. I hug Natalie and she wraps her arms around me and hugs back. "We will call you everyday. Twice" I say holding her face. "I love you so much". She smiles "I love you too mommy". I give her multiple kisses on her cheek and then I lift her and set her on the ground "Now go say bye bye to daddy" I say and she runs off to Archie. "Daddy?" My mom asks. "Yeah she just started calling him that. She knows he's not biologically but he's still her dad" I say smiling at Natalie and Archie from across the room. "That's sweet. I'm glad you finally have everything you've wanted" my mom says. I smile at her and pull her into a hug and say "I am too."

Archie's POV
"I'm going to go change and then we can go home and pack" Veronica says after we say goodbye to her parents and Natalie. "Need some help" I as winking at her. She laughs and leans in to kiss me "Nope. But you can help with putting all of that in our car" she says pointing at the pile of stuff by the door. "This is not as fun as my plan" I yell after her as she walks up the stairs to her private room.

As I close the truck to our car I feel Veronica's arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to face her and she rests her chin on my chest. "Betty said earlier you had a surprise for me" I ask looking down at her. She smiles up at me "When we get home" she says before walking to the car and getting in. I follow her and climb in the front and look at her. "Keeping secrets are we, my wife?" I ask while putting keys in the ignition. She smirks "It's not a secret. It's a surprise" She says. "What's the difference" I ask. She laughs and holds my hand "20 minutes" she says leaning in to kiss my cheek.

Veronica's POV
We pull into the parking lot at the Pembrooke and Archie looks at me and smirks. "We're not even inside yet" I say laughing. He climbs out of the car and rolls over the top of the car. He opens my door and sticks his hand out for me "you're insane" I say in shock. "Yeah Yeah. Let's go" he says pulling me out of the car. He's walking ahead of me and I get an idea and start to walk faster. I walk behind him and put my hands on his shoulders and say "get lower". He ducks down and I jump on his back. He puts his arms under my legs and laughs "You know I don't think this is what they mean by 'carrying over the threshold'" he says walking us into the elevator. "This is our way" I say leaning down and kissing his cheek. He turns, trapping me in a kiss. I smile into it but pull away when the elevator dings. Seconds later it opens and I smack him on the chest "onwards hubby" I say. He laughs and starts walking down the hall to our apartment. "I'm going to have to set you down to open the door" he says smiling up at me. "Ugh fine" I groan and then carefully jump down so I don't put too much pressure on my stomach. He opens the front door and walks I walk in behind him. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach and I walk over to the couch "Okay sit down" I say. He walks over to me and sits closely to me on the couch. I grab his hands and smile at him "What is this?" He asks with a laugh. "Okay I have something to tell you" I say playing with his hands. "Okay. I'm all ears" he says. I take a deep breath "So remember 3 weeks ago I was feeling really sick and I thought I had gotten that flu that you had?" I ask. He looks at me confused "Yeah. Why?" I feel increasingly more nervous by the second. "Well I was wrong. Turns out I'm... pregnant" I say. His eyes go wide "you're pregnant? Like with a baby?" He says in shock. I laugh "yes Archie with a baby. Our baby" I say. He smiles "oh my god" he whispers cupping my face in his hands. "We're gonna have another baby" he says with tears welling in his eyes. I smile and nod with tears in my eyes too "we're having another baby."

Should I add the honeymoon or just skip over it and have them at home and having doctors appointment for the baby?

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