Chapter 30

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Guys I wrote and edited this whole chapter yesterday and me being the idiot I am I forgot to actually publish it, I'm sorry! 😂

Archie's POV
The girls walk out the door for the mall and we focus our attention back to the TV. "So how are things with you two?" Jughead asks. "They're great. She is great" I say while grinning. "So are you nervous about the baby coming?" He asks as he takes more popcorn. I take a deep breath "Well I haven't said this to Veronica but yeah, I really am. I mean I have Natalie but she was 2 when I met her. Already a little person but a baby, Jug. Who can't use words to say 'feed me' or 'change me' or one of the other million things babies need. I just feel like Veronica knows exactly what she's doing from Natalie but I have no idea, and I don't want her thinking she's alone in this" I say. He shakes his head "Veronica isn't gonna think she's alone in this. You are always around, and I mean always. I wouldn't be surprised if part of her wanted to kill you" he says. I laugh "just talk to her" he finishes and I nod. "Thanks Jug" I say. "Don't mention it, man" he says "seriously don't though, I don't need anyone thinking the former Serpent Prince has gone soft with domestication" he says. We laugh and turn our attention back to the game on the television.

"We're back boys!" Veronica bellows from the front door. "We're in here" I yell from the guest room, where we decided to put a pool table. They walk in with their arms filled with bags "Oh my gosh" I say "did you spend Natalie's college fund, babe?" I ask. She rolls her eyes "Shut up. It's your fault I'm getting fat, I should've made you carry all these bags" she says while setting them down. "Can we please go eat now? I'm so hungry" Jughead groans. "I have to change and carry these bags into my closet. If you want to get the bags we can-" he cuts her off by grabbing the bags and heading into our room to the closet. "Okay then" she says as she walks after him, leaving Betty and I. "A lot of his good deeds have to do with him getting food in the end" she says. I laugh "I've noticed that" I say while leaning on the back of a chair. "Did you guys have fun?" I ask while folding my arms. "Yeah we did" she says "Is she okay? She's been off lately but I don't know if it's her hormones or if something is up" I say quieter. "Talk to V tonight. Nothing big I think she's just a bit nervous about having another baby" she says. I smile and nod my head "Thanks Betty". She smiles and says "I'd do anything for you guys."

"That will be about 20 minutes" Poptate says as he writes down our orders. He walks away and we get back to talking. "So when is your next appointment?" Betty asks while sipping her water. "Tomorrow. We get to find out the sex" Veronica says smiling. "That's great" Betty smiles. "Okay that's enough baby talk. How are you guys" Veronica asks. Betty looks at Jughead and he almost starts laughing "What?" I ask narrowing my eyes. "Well maybe that's not all of the baby talk" Betty says "I'm pregnant" she finishes. Veronica's eyes widen "oh my god this is amazing!" She says. "Really? You're not mad we stole your thunder?" Betty asks. "No. You can get fat with me!" Veronica says smiling. "Oh how fun" Betty says sarcastically. "Can you guys believe we all used to sit in these booths talking about murders and now we're back here talking about raising our kids together" I ask. Veronica shakes her head "It's crazy. I never thought I'd be back here" she says. "I never thought we'd all be as close as we were before. I'm happy we're all together again" Betty says smiling. Veronica smiles at her in response but I can tell something is missing from it, her smile looks forced. I push it to the back of my mind to ask her about it when we get home.

"Bye" Veronica and I say in unison as Betty and Jughead drive away. "That was fun but I'm ready to curl up on the couch and watch Netflix with my man" Veronica says kissing my cheek. I smirk and push the up button on the elevator. "I have a question" I say. She looks up at me "and what is that" she asks as we step into the elevator. "When Betty said that she was happy that we are all together again... you smiled at her but it wasn't real. It wasn't you" I say. She presses our floor button and takes a deep breath "it wasn't a big deal arch" she says. The elevator opens and she walks out, headed for our apartment. "Wait. Talk to me" I say following after her. "It was just an idea I got" she says taking her coat off and putting it in the closet. "Okay what idea?" I ask. She takes a deep breath "Ronnie you can yell me anything" I say taking her hands. "I know" she says. She squeezes my hands and looks me in the eyes and says "Before the baby is born I want to move to New York."

I'm just tossing stuff at Varchie nonstop,
I'm no better than Ras 😂

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