Chapter 2

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We arrived at the two mansions side by side on the beach.  Me, Harry, Louis, and Chloe walked into one and everybody else walked into the other one.

"Okay girls do you want to share a room?" Louis asked, me and Chloe quickly nodded.

Harry showed us our room.  "Unpack and then we are going to the mall to buy you two some new clothes" Harry smiled and walked away.

Me and Chloe quickly unpacked.  "They seem nice maybe we should talk to them" Chloe said.

"Yeah they seen nice but what if they aren't" I said.

"True" Chloe sighed.

"Come on let's go downstairs" I said.

Me and Chloe walked downstairs and were about to walk into the living room when I heard Louis and Harry whispering.  I stopped Chloe and she looked at me confused.  I put my finger to my lips and pointed to the living room, Chloe nodded and we started listening in.

"What if they don't start talking?" Louis asked.

"I don't know I don't want to girls that never talk" Harry said.

"I know me either we could switch them for two kids that will actually talk" Louis said.

Me and Chloe quietly gasped.  "Brooke said neither of them have talked in almost a month" Harry said.

I walked into the living room with tears streaming down my face.  I looked at Chloe and her face resembled mine.

"Please don't take us back" I cried.

"We promise to talk" Chloe cried.

I ran up and hugged Louis surprising him but he hugged me back, Chloe did the same to Harry.

"We won't take you back" Louis said.

We pulled away and both wiped our eyes.

"Ready to go shopping?" Harry asked.

"Yes" me and Chloe said.

"But first we need to see two beautiful smiles" Louis and Harry walked up to us.

Harry started tickling Chloe and she fell to the floor laughing.  Louis started tickling me and for the first time in almost a month I laughed.

Louis stopped and helped me up.  "Okay now we may go" Harry said.

"Wait disguises" Louis said.

Me and Chloe laughed as they put wigs and sunglasses on.

"Come on girls the mall is right down the road we must walk" Harry said.

"Do you two have phones?" Louis asked.

"Yeah but they got disconnected after the accident" Chloe explained.

"Well why don't we go fix that" Harry said.

We walked into the mall and the first store we went into was Verizon.  "Go pick out a case and hand us your phones" Louis said.  We both handed him our basically brand new Iphones. 

I saw one case that stuck out.  A Louis and Harry case.  I grabbed a Louis one and Chloe grabbed a Harry case.

Louis paid for it all and handed us our phones.

"We have to text the girls" I said.

"I'll add them all into a group convo including you" Chloe said.  I nodded.

Soon I felt my phone vibrate.

Chlobird: Hey, guess who got adopted?!

Paigey Mack: Me, Chloe, Brooke, Josh, and Clara that's who!

Brookie Cookie: And our new house is Amazing!

Josh the boss: By ONE DIRECTION

Maddog: Ohmg no way!  I am so happy for you guys!

Kenz: I am beyond happy for you all!

NiNi:  Awh you have to come visit us sometime!  I'm excited for you guys!

Paigey Mack: We will don't worry Nia

Cloebird: When we do all three of you get to meet the five idiots we live with

NiNi: Well dance is starting, we are all in the Dancers den now.  Miss Abby is bringing in three new people.

Kenz: Everybody is coming over to mine and Maddie's house so we can get to know the new people.  We will be sure to Skype you so you can meet them

Paigey Mack: Okay thanks love you guys <3333

Brookie Cookie: Love you all 5 ever

Chlobird: Love ya <3

Kenz: Love you <3

Maddog: Love you 5 ever <33

NiNi: Don't forget about us love you three to the moon and back <33333

Josh the Boss: I love my girls <3

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