Chapter 15

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The next day I woke up and turned over to see Brooke also awake, we both laughed. I had to get to school today.

"Brandon will take you to school, I have some leggings and a baggy t-shirt you can wear" Brooke said.  I nodded and changed.  I threw my hair up inro a messy bun and Brandon took me to school.

I walked into my first block, I saw Ella sitting at the head of the table I usually sat at. I sat down in my usual seat.  Hunter, Jason, and Nathan all walked in and sat in their seat.

"Hey slut" Hunter said.  Ella gasped.

"Hey man whore" I shot back.

"Yo my nigga what's happenin?"Jason said in a ghetto accent.  I laughed

"Nothing munch my nigga" I laughed.

"What's up girl" Nathan said in a girly accent, I giggled.

"Oh girl you know just the usual" I said. 

Everybody at my table laughed and Ella looked so confused.

"This is our greatting everyday" I explained and she nodded.

"Hey guys, can I joing your table at lunch today?" I asked.

"What about that bitch, uhm Chloe?" Hunter asked.

"I beleive you when you always called her a bitch now, uhm we had a big fight" I said.

"Oh i understand girl" Nathan said.

"Of course you can sit with us, you my nigga" Jason said.

"I have every class with these three children and I have to sit beside them in every single classes" I explained to Ella.

"I will pray for you" Ella said.

"Thanks I'll need it" I smiled.

"Hey what's wrong with us?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, Nothing at all" I laughed.

"Okay class I would like to introduce to you a new student.  Ella will you stand up" Ella stood up. 

"Okay now sit" Ella quickly sat back down.

At lunch I walked with Hunter, Jason, and Nathan to their lunch table, it was me, Nathan, Hunter, Jason, Mason, David, Greg, Justin, and Ethan.

"Woah Paige you're actually going to sit with us?" Justin asked.

"Yeah got a problem with that?" I asked

"No not at all" Everybody said and I laughed.

"Guys my sister had her twins yesterday" I said.

"What wasn't she only like 5 months pregnant?" Mason asked.  I nodded.

"Yeah, we weren't allowed to see them yesterday and they haven't told us if they are going to make it, but Brooke will be released today" I said.

"I'm so sorry" everyone said.

"What are their names Autumn Marie and summer Grace" I smiled even though I felt like crying.

"Are you going to dance today?" David asked, I shook my head.

"No I have to be there for Brooke and Brandon" I explained, everybody nodded.

"Okay the next competition you go to let us know, because we are all going" Jason said, I nodded.

"will do" I laughed, I felt my phone vibrate and saw a text from Maddie.

Morgan: Hey Paigey, Abby said to come by right after school she wants to talk to you about doing a solo, a duet, and trio at nationals next weekend

Paigey Mack: Okay I will be there

I put my phone in my pocket.  "Guess I am going to dance today after all, I have to prepare for my solo, duet, trio, and group dance.  Nationals is next weekend" I said

"we will be there" Everybody nodded and I smiled.

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