Chapter 17

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Today was the day we were leaving for nationals, this nationals were serious, it was the best dancers in the world.  It was being held in Hollywood California.  We were staying a week and doing interviews and signing autographs.  Nathan, Hunter, Jason, Mason, David, Greg, Justin, and Ethan all said that their moms were letting them come for the week also, I smiled shocked that they were going to be there.  I need people to be there for me, I am drifting away from everybody at dance.  Even Zack, I am too caught up in my personal life.

On the plane Zack sat beside me, he looked sad. "Paige, I feel like we are drifting apart. I do love you, I feel like I can be myself around you, but lately I feel like you don't love me anymore.  Maybe we should-"

"Z-Zack I do love you I have just been caught up-"

"With your other guyfriends that also are on this plane, I get it.  Maybe you think you love me but I know the real truth" Zack said and cue the tears.

"Zack are you breaking up with me?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry" Zack stood up and walked away.

I put my ear buds in and turned on music, I pulled my knees up to my chest and stared out the window.  Everybody thought I was just staring out the window, but I was silently crying.

I was awoken to someone shaking me, I turned and saw Nathan he gasped when he saw me.  I quickly took a wipe from my face and wiped all my tear stains off.

"What happened?" Nathan asked, I just shook my head and climbed off the plane.

I saw Zack staring at me, Josh and Chloe holding hands, talking with Ella, Morgan and Mckala talking, and my group of guy friends talking.

"Which girl wants her own room, they gave us too many?" Abby asked.  My hand quickly shot up and Abby smiled.

"Paige you get the free room here's your key" Abby handed me a key.

The next day I walked into the practice dance studio, tomorrow was nationals, I had on a dance bra and bootie shorts, my hair was in a messy ponytail and I had no makeup on, I looked horrible, but I honestly didn't care riht now.

Everybody gasped as they saw me enter, my guy friends were sitting against the wall, they dropped their phones when they saw me.

I shook my head "Don't worry about it I'll dance my heart out still" I reasured Abby and she smiled then we had to practice all our dances.

I was nervous about my trio with Josh and Zack but I did it flawlessly.

Abby didn't yell at me not even once today and I was glad.  Now I must beat Chloe tomorrow.

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