Chapter 18

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I did flawlessly and the only dance left was my solo.  During my trio I landed wrong and heard a loud crack, now I could barely stand on my left foot, but I had to deal with the pain and do this solo perfectly.

I actually did the solo flawlessly, even though my ankle was throbbing, once I was back into the dressing room, I fell to the floor and everybody gasped.  Abby walked in "Paige that was-" She saw me on the floor and stopped mid sentence.

"Paige what happened?" Abby almost yelled at me.

"During the trio I landed wrong and heard a crack come from my left ankle" I said holding back my tears.

"You danced with a hurt ankle?" Abby asked, I slowly nodded.

"Well I can't believe this, your solo was flawless and you had a hurt ankle!" Abby exclaimed.

"Zack help her to awards" Abby said.

"No I got it" I snapped as Zack walked up to me, taking everyone aback by my response.

Everybody walked out except for Ella "I'll help you" she smiled, I put my arm around her shoulder and she helped me limp to awards.

We one first in everything and now it was time for solos.

"Second is.." Chloe, Me, or Ella hadn't been announced yet, one of us or all of us didn't place and that freightened me.

"Ella with 'Choices'" Ella stood up and accepted her award.  Okay now I was almost positive I didn't place.

"And in first is drum roll please"

"Paige with 'I'm not okay'" Wait, I won?  I limped up and accepted my award.

"Now what's your company?"

"Abby Lee Dance Company" I yelled into the microphone and me and Ella hugged.

ONce we were back in the dressing room and Abby told the camera men to leave, my smile faded and my attention was back on my ankle, the same one I broke last time.  I was scared, what if I could never dance again?

The doctor informed me that my ankle was infact broken, Josh and all my guyfriends were in here with me, everyone else went back to the hotel to get some rest.

"Guys I'm scared" I said.

"Suck it up Paige you are fine" Josh snapped, what has gotten into him?

"No I'm not!  I just broke my fucking ankle" I yelled, tears streaming down my face, all the guys were shocked at the use of  foul language leaving my mouth.

"You are such a drama queen!  You act like everybody cares about you!  Well news flash not everyone cares about you!  You can be a real bitch sometimes" Josh yelled, I started crying harder.

"If you don't care about me then leave, nobody wants you here if you're going to yell at me for unknown reasons" I said.

"You treated my girlfriend like shit for an unknown reason, so therefore I could careless about you now.  You block everybody out, even when they try to help you!  Don't think that I didn't notice those cuts on your arms and thighs, you didn't hide them very well" Josh said.

"Who are you?  Because this sure isn't the Josh I know.  Just leave Josh" I whispered.  Josh stormed out of the room, everyone stared at me and the doctor re-entered.

"Okay so your medical records say you have broken this same ankle few months ago.  Is that correct?" he asked, I slowly nodded.

"Well it seems as if you have torn a ligament.  The only way you can fix this is surgery." The doctor slowly said, more tears streamed down my cheeks, if that was even possible.

"Now if the surgery works, you may be able to dance again, but even if it works you may never be able to dance again.  Now if the surgery doesn't work right, you may never be able to walk again" he informed me.

"Well can you send this information to my hospital in England?" I asked.

"After I put a cast on you and grab you some crutches I will get right on that" The Doctor gave me a sympathetic smile.

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