Chapter Forty One

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Isabelle's POV
Doctor: I have some news...
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. My best friend could be seriously hurt, or worse dead.
Doctor: Your friend has a minor concussion and is in a medically induced coma. She lost a lot of blood but she will be fine.
Isabelle: How long will she be in here for?
Doctor: 3 weeks.
Jake: And what about Chance?
Doctor: A few broken bones but nothing to serious. He should be out in a few days.
Jake: Thank you so much.
Everyone got up to go see Chance but I wanted to see Tessa. Jake saw that I was sad.
Jake: Hey, you heard what he said. She's gonna be fine.
Isabelle: But what if she's not gonna be fine Jake? What if she gets worse?
Jake: She won't. These people are professionals.
Isabelle: I just want to see her. And talk to her and know that she's okay.
Jake: I do to. But, we can't.
Isabelle: What caused the crash?
Jake: I shouldn't say.
Isabelle: Jake Joseph Paul. You tell me what happened right now or else.
Jake: Fine, But we should go back to the house. Chance, Tessa, and I are the only ones who know.
Isabelle: Okay.
We got in Jake's car and drove home. He sat me down on the couch and looked me dead in the eye.
Jake: Please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you okay?
Isabelle: Okay. What happened?
Jake: He passed out at the wheel and Tessa swerved the car and it crashed into a tree. With out Tessa they would be dead.
Isabelle: Wow.
Jake: He said that it just happened. The doctor said that he had some fluid in is his brain. It wasn't a lot though. Hopefully he's gonna be all better. I hope he is.
Isabelle: Me too. Why didn't he want any one to know?
Jake: I don't know.
Isabelle. Well, thanks for telling me.
Jake: No problem. We should head back. I want to see Chance.
Isabelle: Actually, I'm gonna stay here if you don't mind.
Jake: Okay. Love ya.
Isabelle: Right back at cha.
He walked out of the house and close the door. The second it shut, I broke down in tears. Tessa was hurt and I could bear to go back to the hospital because I knew I wouldn't be able to see her. It pained me. I went upstairs to lay down for a while. I got in bed and just cried. I stared to feel a bit sick but I couldn't stop crying. Finally, I had to run to the bathroom and puke. All the stress and tears must have gotten to me. I cleaned off my face and took a shower because I had vomit all over me. After my shower I put on my favorite Harry Potter Ph pants and an oversized Star Wars shirt and I settled in bed and watched Star Wars until I fell asleep.
Emilio's POV
Everyone went to see Chance and he was going pretty good. I noticed that Isabelle and Jake were gone. I assumed that they were waiting in the waiting room but when we left I saw Jake but no Izzy. I was a little bit worried so I called her. Nothing. I called her again. Still nothing. After 4 more missed calls, I got in an Uber and drove to the house. I was looking every where until I got up to our room. I opened the door and saw her peacefully sleeping. I crawled in bed next to her and fell asleep.
(20 minuets later)
I woke up and Isabelle was still asleep. I decided to give her soft kisses all over her face.
Isabelle: When did you get here?
Emilio: About 20 is minutes ago. I called you but you never answered me so I took and Uber over here to make sure you were okay. I found you in here asleep and I was tired so I crawled in bed and fell asleep next to you.
Isabelle: Thank you for checking on me.
Emilio: It's fine. Why weren't you answering you phone?
Isabelle: I was really sad and stressed about the entire thing with Tessa and I must have left my phone downstairs.
Emilio: Why would your phone be downstairs and not with you?
Isabelle: I was crying and I came up here to rest.
Emilio: Okay. Your breath smells terrible. What happened to you?
Isabelle: Well, all of the stress must have gotten to me cuz I had to run to the bathroom and puke. But I'm fine now. How is Chance?
Emilio: Good. Everyone else is still at the hospital.
Isabelle: Any word on Tessa?
Emilio: Asleep. She was beat up pretty bad.
Isabelle: I know. I just hopped that she would be better.
I wiped away a tear that had fallen from her eye.
Emilio: You seem to be really depressed about the whole situation. Is everything alright?
Isabelle: No.
Emilio: Whats the matter?
Isabelle: This isn't the first time this has happened.

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