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Edited 12/18/23
( Staring at the school, I feel my stomach churning from my nervousness. "New school, new me" was all that I could think about.

I walk through the halls in anticipation of the numbers "3-2" as that was the classroom I was assigned to.

"3-2..." I'd quietly murmur while looking at the number plates above the doors. I stop walking and stare blankly at the two numbers.

Taking a deep breath I open the door, fully expecting all eyes to be on me.

Boy was I terribly wrong.

"Bakaito!" Someone shouts out loud. Huh? I peak inside to see a girl run around the class whilst chasing a boy with a pair of... panties in his hand?!

"Don't you think you're going a bit too overboard over a pair of panties?!" He laughs. Honestly man, that is overboard. Maniac.

The teacher tries to awkwardly gain the class' attention but fails to do so, so she just turns to me in tears, "You can sit over there by the window. Last row."

Following her finger I see that I was quite well hidden, that was a good thing. With that, I walked past the two bickering fools and tried my best to listen to the teacher's lesson.

Once that was finished, the school bell rang twice indicating that class was finished.

Now that she had everyone's attention, the teacher walked up front and pointed for me to follow, "As you know already, we have a new student. Introduce yourself."

"Hi! I'm L/n Y/n and it's a pleasure to meet you!" I bow down and hear everyone clap. This was so scary in all honesty. To have everyone's eyes on you...

"That's all, be nice to her, class dismissed."

Everyone began to flock around me asking different questions. Hopefully they'd stop! I close my eyes and try my best to answer every question they have to the best of my abilities.

I was about to faint when someone took my hand and pulled me out of the mess of people.

"You breathing?" The boy laughs. I looked up to see the same maniac who took a girl's panties earlier.

"The name is Kuroba Kaito." He smiles gently. The girl from earlier smacks him on the back of the head before gently smiling at me.

"My name is Nakamori Aoko. Are you alright? You could've just refused to answer them." She sighs, "They don't know boundaries but I swear they're good guys." Aoko laughs.

I shook my head at her comment and laughed, "No it's alright they were just curious that's all. Thanks for helping me out though."

"Are you heading home?"

"No, I'll be going to a friend's school to go home with them." I say.

"Mind if we tag along?" Kaito butts into our conversation. Aoko frowned and pinched his ear.

"I am so sorry for this idiot!" She bows down. Honestly I did not mind.

"It's okay!" I say, laughing awkwardly.

After gathering our stuff and leaving school, we arrived at the school I was talking about.

Seeing two familiar faces, I waved my arm at them and they did the same. Shinichi and Ran both walked up to us and looked at the two with me.

Kaito and Shinichi had a staredown while Ran and Aoko introduced each other. I look at the two boys and tilt my head.

"You two know each other?"

"Hehe... Sort of." Shinichi sighs, "Isn't that right 'kid'?" He smirks. Kaito laughs menacingly and throws his arm around Shinichi, "I've known him for a good long time already."

"Oh that's good then, should we invite them to the beach party tomorrow?" Ran asks me with an expectant smile. I return the gesture and nod.

"The more the merrier anyways."

Following that, we parted ways and all got ready for tomorrow. )

[(y/n)'s P.O.V

Another school a new life thats what I thought

"so this is my new school"I happily said

But it changed pretty quick on my first day

"class 3-2"I keep on murmuring to myself and I saw my classroom

*sigh*"so much this is my new room lets see it"I said while opening the door I heard a girl screaming

"BAKAITO!!!"the girl shouted at the...boy?

"dont you think your going overboard just because of some panties"the boy said

"IM NOT GOING OVERBOARD!!!"she shouted

"umm... its already class time"the teacher said

I quickly asked the teacher where to sit

"sit infront of that desk"she said

"okay"I said

I quckly sat on my desk

And they went back to there seat's

*+*+*+*+*+*+*time skip*+*+*+*+*+*+*
(y/n)'s P.O.V

*ring~ring*the school bell sounded
I went outside and saw two people at the gate when I came closer they ran up to me and said

"Hi!my name is Nakamori Aoko and this idiot here is Kuroba Kaito"Aoko said

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot!"Kaito shouted

And well... they started to fight

"umm... I better get going..."I said walking past them

"wait! Can we come with you?"Aoko asked

"yeah sure but im going to my friend's
school ist it okay?"I said

"Oh...Its okay right Kaito"Aoko said

"ye-yeah sure"Kaito said

"well lets better get going!"I said

*#*#*#*#*#*#*time skip*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Kaito's P.O.V

She looks so cute when she smi-
Wait what am I saying! I like Aoko not (y/n)

We went in the school only to find a girl and...TANTEI-SAN!!!!wait how did he turn back to his normal self ?

"(Y/N)-SAN!!!"the girl w/ long brown hai- what is that on her hair is it a horn or something

Shinichi's P.O.V

Ran and I saw (y/n) with a boy and a girl

"(Y/N)-SAN!!!"Ran said

"Hey (y/n) who are those people your w/ ?"I asked (y/n)

"oh this is Nakamori Aoko and this is Kuroba Kaito"(y/n) said

"Hi my name is Kudo Shinichi and this is Mouri Ran its nice to meet you!"I said

There was an awkward silence till-

"HOLY MAK AN CHEESE ARE YOUREALLY THE REAL KUDO SHINICHI!!?!?!?!"Aoko asked which made all our ear's hurt

"ow..."I murmured

"oh sorry but are you really the real Kudo Shinichi?"Aoko asked silently this time

"yeah thats me!"I happily said

"holy mak an cheese..."Aoko said

"lets go home now its already getting late"(y/n) said

"tommorow's saturday so how about we hit the beach tommorow 10:00 am
how does that sound?"Ran asked

"Yeah sure!"they all said in unison
(y/n)'s P.O.V

"yeah sure!"we all said in unison
============time skip============
"see you tommorow at 10:00 am see you!"I said while walking inside my house

I then change clothes and started packing for tommorow.]

So how was that is it good tell me
Sorry for making it short bur hope you liked it
See you next chapter bye

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