🍂:Chapter 11:Black:🍂

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"Im sorry for the kiss last time"Kaito said and looked away I gasped and slapped him tears falling




He looked down ashamed"Look im so-"

"SORRY DOESNT EVEN WORK ON ME ANYMORE BAKAITO!"I was going to beat him up till Shinichi held me back

"Stop!"I tried fighting but I just couldnt so I stopped trying and just tried to calm down even if I were still crying

"I will never forget you"Kaito nodded"I think you misunderstood what I meant was that I will never forget what you did and if I get a move on ill completely forget you . . ."I said and ran out the mall

The rain was pouring hard I didnt care my head started throbbing I felt like I was burning up but I still didnt care and just ran I slipped and fell on my hand it broke but I still ran and ran to my house it was next to Shinichi's real house

"The lights are on?"I was confused 'he shouldnt be here yet'


I heard a loud gun shot and ran into the house when I went to Shinichi's room which was wicked big by the way only to be met with cold murderer gray diamonds I yelped he covered my mouth

"I know you know where Kudo Shinichi is?"

I shook my head out of full fear I was met eyes with the one amd only Gin


"Stop lying!"Gin pointed a gun at my head

"Im home!I say to practically no one"A familliar voice said

"Imichi!"I tried to warn him


"Looks like our pray has arrived . . ."He told vodka to tie me up

"Now why is the lights on?"Shinichi was at the other side of the door


"Lets se-"Someone turned the lights off and let a loud


He turned around and the lights turned on to his belief I was there standing eyes dull with knowing of the truth


"Why?"I say



"(Y/n)!what are you talking about!"I crew tears from my eyes

'Why didnt he tell me . . .Why? Out of all things to not say . . . Why that . . . Shinichi~kun?Why?'I cried my eyeballs out

"(Y/n)?"He slowly stated and walked towards me I saw a gun and a freaking scythe on the floor I picked the gun and pointed it at his feet

"Why?"I say pulling the trigger on the gun Shinichi dodged the bullet but he was to focused on dodging it he forgot I still had the scythe I swung it over his head cutting a few strands of his brown hair

"(Y/n)?"I heard a voice behind me I turned my head

Kaito's P.O.V

I was walking home with Aoko when I heard a gunshot which made Aoko scream and cover her ears she hugged my shoulder but I hastily pried it off me

"Sorry Aoko I need to check something!"I say I hid into a alleyway and came out as Kaito Kid I jumped up Shinichis window and saw (Y/n) holding a massive scythe and was holding a gun on the other hand

"(Y/n)?"She turned her head and saw me her eyes widened tears falling"Why?"I looked at her I saw Shinichi run and signaled me to do the same but I stayed which was probably the most dumbest thing I ever did in my life but that was before me having to be in a girls costume for a whole day

"Kaito~kun . . .will you also leave me?"She said crying letting go of the weapons in her hands I walked up to her

'I shouldnt have said those things before . . . I regret it all . . . It turned her beautiful self . . . Insane . . .'

"Kaito!You wont leave me right?right!?!"She insanely asked I felt tears run down my eyes as I walked towards her I hugged her close and kissed her

(Y/n)'s eyes widened her expression turned soft as I let go of the kiss"I will never do the same mistake again . . .(Y/n)~chan. . ."She hastly looked away and looked back with a crazy grin on her face"Bleh!You fell for it!"She says as she jabs a knife in my gut

I threw up blood as she laughed happily enjoying the sight"Bleed!"She pushed the knife dipper I was loosing consciousness she kissed me on the lips and said

"Thats for hurting me . . ."(Y/n) grinned and that was the last thing I saw

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