♥~CHAPTER 4:New life~♥

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

   I never once knew that I have to restart again but I have to

"so this is supposed to be our new school...great!"I said

"well its better than high school!"conan said

"ughh!!!you can be so annoying sometimes ya know!"I angrily said

"yeah so wat!"conan and I started arguing st each other till well the bell rang...


"now were late and its all your fault!"I said



"FINE THEN LETS NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!"I said while storming of

"FINE!!"conan shouted back
()()()()()()()()()()time skip()()()()()()()()()()
Conan's P.O.V

    I should not have said that to (y/n) I miss talking to her


I saw (y/n) leaning onto the gate wall,
without hesitation I ran to her but she instantly saw me coming and ran at the other direction'did I really hurt you that much...'I thought

While walking back home I saw her walking towards hakases house I walked over and hid behind a bush I saw her and she was asking for th-'WHY IS SHE ASKING FOR THAT!!!!'I insrantly thought after hearing what she said and Haibara just gave a whole bag of it to her and she gave one more bag of drugs to her
and she said after she ate one of those drugs she will have to eat one from the other drug so that she will not be immune for the next time she consumes the drug

"why?..."I asked myself




After she went out of the house I asked myself




'WHY!!?!???!(Y/N)!!?!??'I thought

"your such a moron"I heard a familiar voice it as I turn around I saw it was Haibara and (y/n)

"it was only a prank since you were looking sad like a kid that didnt get what he wanted"(y/n) said

"then it means all you said and what haibara gave you was fake?"I asked

"OF CAURES YOU MORON!"(y/n) said
/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/time skip/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/
(y/n)'s P.O.V

    In the inside I was laughing like crazy because of what he looked like and I was surprised when he hugged me

"wh-wha?"I said

"dont ever do tha-"conan stopped when he realized'I like Ran not (y/n)'conan thought

"umm...can you let me go now?"I asked

"oh...umm... yeah..."conan said and there was an awkward silence in he place right after he placed me down

So sorry for making it short but I promise I will make it longer for tge next chapter,hope you enjoyed it though see you next chapter bye

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