🍁:Chapter 12:Hire:🍁

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Your P.O.V
          When I came back to my senses I saw a body infront of me . . . Kaito's body

          I screamed louder than ever before I felt blood dripping from my hands I stared down at it seeing a bloody knife

          I fell down I ran as fast as I could down the stairs crying

          "(Y/n)!"I turned around to see Shinichi

          "Your sane right?"

          I nodded jumping in his arms
         "Ka-Kaito"I shook so hard it made Shinichi shake as well he called the police.

      They arrived suddenly my head was covered hands cuffed

       I tried to scream but my voice was muffled I squirmed and squirmed to break out of the persons grip

       "Let her go inspector"
       "Now your siding a criminal Shin~kun?"

        "She was brainwashed by an organization who are always wearing black whom I call 'The Black Organization' "Shinichi explained sloqly while pulling the fabric off of my head

         "Then Shin~kun please move away leave thi-"

        "To you?Sorry for my language but what the heck?You think you of all the millions of people the police?Your joking right?"

         "Shin~kun we can han-"
         "Even a nuclear warfare wouldnt even scratch them! You just trying to confront them would be hard but ambushing?What are you gonna say?"Shinichi placed his hands up"This is the police drop your guns and dont do anything!Like hell they'd do that!"

         "Then what do you want us to do then?Sit around waiting aimlessly for our pray to just come out and say 'Hi!'"The inspector said waving his hands around

         "Yes!"Shinichi exclaimed"Thats what I was trying to say!"

         "How about just hire an assassin?"I replied head hung low"I mean they are stealthy right?"My face showed no emotion eyes alive yet dead

         "Ahh yes and assassin"The inspector asked one of his friends

         "Who is the avail-"
         "The duo sir from where they saved nearly half of the earths population"He said

         "Call them"
         After a few moments the front door flew open"Oh gods!Will you stop going crazy!?"A feline voice echoed threw the hallways

         "Shut up!Girls these days!"Musculine voice hissed back angrily

         "Waddya say?Akuma?"The feline cursed and I heard a gunshot we looked around the corner to see a girl with long galaxy colored hair that smelled like berries and a male with red hair and kinda looked cute the only problem was they were both carrying pistols daggers and other deadly stuff even a tracker device!

       "Shut the f**k up Mira your so dumb stupid and ugly!"The male said

        "Karma r-really?"The one named Mira teared up

        The one named Karma blushed and looked away"I-I didn-"The female kissed Karma and giggled

    "Your cute when you blush"She said and stared at him kicking an angry Karma to the wall

     "Now what did you hire us for?"
      Shinichi stepped up"To kill the blac-"

      "Gin"Karma said in a serious tone Mira nodded and walked away

      "Enjoy now as we handle those creeps"Mira said and rode a motorcycle and flew off to the distance

     "Enjoy huh?"
     "So we just leave it to a group of children now?"Shinichi said laughing

     "I even think im older than them"
     The officer raised an eyebrow"How . . . Old then?"

      "Maybe like 11 or 12"He smirked

      The officer sighed at him"Their already 21 and 22 so their older Shinichi"

       Shinichi smirked"I now have a new girl"I raised an eyebrow and lightly punched him

       "You cheeky little cheater!"I yelled he raised his hands up in defence

     "But . . . Will it all really be okay for us to sit back and enjoy?"

That was the question here was it really okay for them to sit back and enjoy?

Find out next chapter!

≥﹏≤im like IM SO SORRY GUYS ITS JUST!!IM LIKE NEAR MY NEXT TEST IN SCHOOL AND LIKE YEAH!Anyways . . . Im just saying for all those who have small hearts I mean the people who are sensitive maybe you should delete this story cause the ending . . . Is really sad . . . And what I mean sad as in REALLY REALLY sad so yeah hoped you liked this and thanks for reading!

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