♥~CHAPTER 8:First kiss~♥

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

     After I fainted I still felt like someone was carrying me I tried to open my eyes but it was closed SHUT
I even tried to move but it still didnt work but my body wants to sleep so I just gave in

@$@$@$time skip(brought to you by perverted Kaito)@$@$@$@$@$@$@$
Still your P.O.V

      I woke up with someone shaking me and calling my name

"(Y/N)!(Y/N)!(Y/N)!"a familliar voice said it was BAKA-ITO

"5 more minutes!"I sleepily said but of course he knew exactly what will wake me up

He leaned in just then I woke up(because you felt warmth near your face)only to see kaito really I MEAN REALLY REALLY CLOSE TO YOUR FACE

"KYAAAA!!!!!!!"I squeaked with my face as red as the darkest red and I pushed him away to the floor with a


"WHAT THE HECK KAITO!!!!!*squeaking like crazy*"I said

"I only did that cause you just wont wake up! SO.DONT.GET.MAD.AT.ME!"kaito angrily annoyingly said(is that even an expression?)

*squeaking like someone just kissed you*

"btw that mahiru guy is making food and his va- nevermind youll just fall out the window when I told you"kaito said

"DONT T-TE-TE-TELL M-ME IT-ITS A-A-A......"I cowardly said

"yup..."kaito said like it was nothing

"KYAAAA!!!!!!!KAITO HIDE ME FROM THAT BLOOD SUCKING VAM-"I felt something warm or something is pressed against my lips when I looked it was K-Kaito?!??!'WHAT THE FLIPPING HELL!!!!KAITO!!!!'I screamed in my head

And kaito removed his lips from mine then we both turned red almost instantly






"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT KAITO!!!!!"I statteringly said

"I dont know what got into me...."kaito said with the face of a tomato

"I-"I was about to speak and again he kissed me

"wha!"I said

"NOW THAT WAS ME"kaito said

"why did you?"I asked

"well its a secret"kaito said as he made a flower appear

"hey kaito foods ready!"shinichi said

"were coming!"kaito said as he grabed my hand and held me protectively

"lets go!"kaito said


Is this chapter good and pls tell me more anime that you would like me to add pls tell me my peeps sorry if the chapter is short
See you next chapter bye

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