Chapter 13:The Final battle . . .(Epilouge)

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A/n - no more your P.O.V here in this chapter I will use Y/n so . . . Hope you enjoy . . . And btw I just said that to enjoy but really Karma and Me  will call you two to finish off the deed to be done . . .
                               .  .  .

        Y/n walked around her pink apartment and played with her phone till a phome call popped up she sat on her bed and looked at the call address

      It was named unknown Y/n looked at the call address skeptically but shrugged and pushed the accept button thats when she heard the voice . . .

     "Y/n!Go to the tower right!Now!anf grt Backup!"It wad Shinichi's Y/n immediately took her bag and ran to the tower she didnt know which tower but she just went to the tower she remembered clearly she didnt call any backup

     She still hadn't hung up the phone"Shinichi!What in the world is happeni-"Her eyes widened at the sight before her the tower she once loved when she was still a child

    That tower was now a burning mess explosions happening here and there she felt two figures behind her Y/n looked behind her and saw Karma and Mira holding what she thinks are RPG's they aimed at the tower and launched it hit the spot she loved the most tears fell from her rosy cheeks

     And she ran . . . Inside of the burning building up the stairs hearing gun shots that hit a few strands of her H/l H/c hair she was loosing breath but she still continued . . . She had that feeling . . . That he was still inside of the place and she saw

    Him limp on the cold hard floor she ran towards him holding his wrist feeling a small pulls she smiled then something hit her leg she yelped in pain

    "I intended to do a swift death but I guess I need a brutal death scene"Gin said walking behind her"Bye bye princess be happy since you would die in your princes limp arms"Gin smirked and pulled the trigger

   Time was slow but as roughly and swiftly you stood up and pointed the gun at Gin as he pulled the trigger hence killing himself

   Y/n heard Mira and Karma yelling that the building is about to collapse

    She immediately carried Shinichi and walked down the stairs limping slightly

    Till the stairs were melted she looked behind her and saw raging flames she looked below and saw a cushion

    Without hesitation she jumped all memories of Shinichi and her came

     Shinichi flirting with other girls and even Y/n and she felt something soft hit her back Y/n looked around and saw policemen running and asking if they were okay Y/n started to black out as Shinichi slowly neared the doors of death

                               .  .  .

       Y/n woke up in a white place then she saw light

       She walked up to it and saw Shinichi smiling holding out his hand Y/n gladly took it and they held each other close and they both went inside

                                .  .  .

      The two were lying limp on the ground both lost pulse and all fell silent just the sound of crackling flames were heard as they covered the two with a blanket


And the two were holding hands

Mikarin:And thats what they call love . . .


Yukari:Stop it you just ruined the mood

Mikarin:So mean and btw guys!I changed my name to MiyanoMikarin but I dont wanna change my username so I will just place it in my bio!and now!YUKARI!!COOK ME A NATSU!And a big catch


Mikarin:*Summons Igneel*

Igneel:Dont insult her Natsu!*Sweatdrops at his stupid son*

Meh:Anyways!Bye guys!Sayonara! And see you in my next stories!

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