♥~CHAPTER 3:Turning back to a kid~♥

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

   I turn around and saw a guy in black
and then I saw he had a baseball bat and he hit me with the baseball bat

"AHHH!!"the last thing I knew I felt like my bones melt my vision started to get blurry and the last thing I heard was

"Gin,tell me that wasnt the-"

After that all I saw was darkness
-----------------------time skip----------------------
Conan's P.O.V

    "Haibara is the drug finished?"I asked Haibara since she still have not finished making it

"would you have a little bit of patience"Haibara said

"fine im going to Ran's house so you just call me when your done ok!"I said while walking to the door
""""""""""""""""time skip(couse im too lazy to write anything)"""""""""""""""""
(y/n)'s P.O.V

    "LITTLE GIRL,LITTLE GIRL!"I heard a voice I open my eyes and saw two policeman

"hey are you alright thats a pretty bad cut on your head... What happened?"one of the policeman asked


There eyes widened in shock then they started to laugh

"IM NOT JOKING!!"after I said that I ran away and I saw a mirror I looked in to it and sa-'WAIT WHAT!?!!'I saw myself as a child

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!"I shouted and I thought that maybe 'hakase can help me'I ran through the rain and went to hakase's I opened the  door and I saw a girl with hakase

"HAKASE!!!! ITS ME (Y/N)!!!!!!!"I shouted

"(Y/N)!!!!!-WAIT!your not (y/n)...or are you like shinichi who got turned into conan

"YEAH!!!!THATS IT!!"I shouted

"a victim"the girl said

"oh btw this is Haibara,(y/n),Haibara and conan edegawa is KUDO SHINICHI" his name gave me chills cause I accidentaly remembered the time when he scared me into my coffin

"""""""""""(not making a flashback k)
Time skip"""""""""""""""""
Conan's P.O.V

     As I open the door at hakase's I saw a girl(NOT HAIBARA OK!)she looked a lot like (y/n) I asked her name and she said

"Im (y/n) nice to meet you KUDO-KUN!"(y/n) said

I almost cried when I heard her name she has been missing for almost a week now and now here she was I started to feel tears going down my face as I takled (y/n) but then I thought on how she knew but I think it was hakase who told her

"wow,never knew you missed me that much shinichi!"she said while trying to get out of the hug

"ok but Ran and I was so worried especialy your friend kaito and aoko has been really protective over him she never lets anyone touch him"I said
Boom sorry for making this short but im really tired ok its 10:29 pm here at my country so sorry but hoped you liked it see you next chpter bye

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