🍁:Chapter 10:Going home and date:🍁

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Your P.O.V

"Pipsqueak!"Karma was once again pestering you"Oy!"He slapped him its been 2 weeks since you came here but you didnt know how to come back home

"Your annoying got that!Im better off with Bakaito and Detective Freak!"You stormed leaving a enraged Karma"ILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!"Karma yelled but you ignored it and went to Shinichi and Kaito but scooting away alittle from Kaito cause well . . .He traumatized you remember?

"Oy!(Y/n) why are you scooting away from me?"Kaito complained you scoffed and scooted away as you glared at him"Oy"You heard the sadistic devil say behind you out of instinct or was it on purpose? Who knows?you elbowed him on the stomach

"What did I do?"He asked clutching his stomach"Your fault"You bluntly said and walked away suddenly blinded by the same light that teleported you there

"Waaaa!!"The three of you screamed at the same time as you fell face first on the cement"And this is why I hate life"You muttered and dusted yourself off to see Ran infront of you mouth hung open and was about to touch the floor"Shinichi!(Y/n)~san!"Ran yelled and hugged the both of you Kaito went and walked away

You soon noticed Shinichi still normal form . . . "SHINICHI!?"You yelled in complete confusion I mean who would have?After being sucked from one dimension to another?give me a break😑

"What? Ohhhh"He looked at himself and saw his still normal he smirked and looked at me"Guess im a lucky one"You pushed his face and walked away he suddenly grabbed your hand

"Hey?Wanna go ummm... See a movie tonight?"He looked away blushing I mean like if your a boy and asked a girl on a date you would have felt embarrassed right?"Hey!"You looked away blushing

"Fine only if you pay for the bills"

"Of course I will!"He yelled smirking showing his parents debit card"Dirty Thief so when?"

"10:00 PM"You nodded and went home leaving a depressed Ran you were standing there till Shinichi was gone

"(Y/n)~chan . . . Dont break his heart for me okay?"Ran said out of the blue staring at the floor her hands on your shoulders

"R-Ran . . ."You looked at her with saddened eyes as you saw a really strong girl being vulnerable and fragile

"Please!(Y/n)~chan!Promise me!Please . . ."Ran hugged you as she cried on your shoulders

"Why Ran?"

"Because I love him!So I dont want his heart to break because it will hurt mine too!Onigay(Please)!(Y/n)~chan!"Ran blurted out your eyes widened 'Ran the captain and champion in Karate is crying,fragile and vulnerable . . . Shinichi must be really important to her right?'

"(Y/n)~chan . . . Make him the happiest man on earth please . . . It hurts me to just see him sad,lonely and heartbroken . . ."

You nodded"I will . . . I promise"She looked up and smiled at you sniffling her tears

"Now I should go to the cinemas right?By Ran!Ill keep that promise alright!"You looked at Ran and waved at her as you ran towards the place you arrived you saw Kaito next Shinichi

"What is that hentai doing here?"You asked Shinichi pointing at Kaito

"He insisted"He glared at him Kaito put up peace sign while smiling yoy sighed

"Fine . . ."You sighed in defeat

"Yahoo!"You laughed at Kaito's childish actions"Now why dont we head on in!"Kaito dragged you and Shinichi you sat in between them Kaito on your left and Shinichi on your right

"Kaito dont try to do anything fishy"Shinichi glared at Kaito as the movie was at its climax

"Hehehe I will"

Their argument was interupted by all the girls in the cinema including you screamed and you held onto Shinichi's arm Kaito huffed Shinichi blushed

"W-Why horror movies?"You looked at Shinichi with tearing eyes he frowned

"Cause I wanted you to . . . "He said the last part was a mere whisper


"Oh come on Shin~chan!Tell me!"


"Tell me"


"Tell meeeee~~~!"

"No and thats final"you pouted you suddenly kissed him on the lips

"Tell me!"He nodded

"I wan-wanted you to do that . . ."He said looking away touching his lips


"Okay!Ill keep doing that then"Shinichi was emiting steam now you giggled

Time Skipuuu!!!

After the cinema Aoko was waiting for Kaito by the front desk when Kaito went near her she french kissed him

You gasped'Why did he kiss me then?'

A whole bunch of question formed in your head

"(Y/n) can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"



IM going to ask you Kaito or Shinichi!who would you like to win (Y/n)~chans Heart!?
Sayonara! and Arigato!Minna~san!
Total words:839 words

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