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Dis is where you'll hate me....

Name of the crossover anime:(there are more anime characters coming):

(y/n)'s P.O.V

         "stop"I murmured under my breath as I saw two siblings fighting each other

"what did you do to (y/n)!"kid asked
then I wondered how he knew my name

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME KID!??!?!"I shouted so that he can hear me

"well umm... lets just not talk about that"kid said

"*laughs*looks like my son's in love~"curb said

"wha-"before kid could finish his sentence a bright light flashed before us three(well because both of you are the only ones that saw it and conan)and we did not know that conan was there and saw the bright light to when we opened our eyes

We saw a guy and another guy fighting a magician something then we heard the most weird thing

"I know what they call true vampires who made contracts w/ humans its writen on the cards here"the magician said (not bakaito ok)

Servant + vampire =servamp

"meow..."the guy wearing a blue jacket said

Then the guy in hood ran up to him and attacked him then he picked him up

"kuro?"the guy w/ brown hair said
The guy named kuro did not responce instead he pulled him closer to bi-bite his head the guy w/ brown hair pulled
A blue chain that seems to be conected to kuro

"STOP KURO LISTEN TO ME!"the brown haired guy angrily shouted

Then the guy realised his grip on the magicians head

"wha?"I asked then saw conan and kid watching too

"im here to you know..."I annoyingly said which caught there attention

"(y/n)..."they were like so close to crying

"WERE GLAD YOUR SAFE!"they shouted

"hey calm down!"I said but kuro heard us

"you heard that mahiru?"kuro asked

"yeah"the guy named mahiru said

"but first of all is that guy dead?"mahiru asked

"bakabakabaka(idiotidiotidiot)im a vampire silly im immorta-"kuro pocked his real sharp hand in his hat
Then started shaking him

"hey stop that I get severe motion sickness!"the magician said in annoyance

"by the way do you have anyone else folloaing you like a assistant maybe"mahiro asked

"no I dont"the magician said

Then my instincs took over and I jumped out of my spot

"im not anyones apprentice!"I said

"wha-WHO ARE YOU?!"mahiru asked

'CRAP!'I thought as I run away but something stoped me

It was a cute kitten

"aww..."I said then suddenly the cat turned into a vampire

"KYAAAAA!!!!!"I shouted

"what a pain stop whining and tell us who you are"kuro said in an annoyed tone

"HELP ME!!"I said kaito and conan  went out of there hiding spot and tackled mahiru

"why dont you help your master~"I said

"what a pain"kuro said and mahiru fought conan and kaito but both of them has something up there sleeves


"sorry baut this!"kaito said as he sprayed a sleepimg gas on mahiru but mahiru instantly blocked it

*cough~cough*"sorry*cough*but I knew you were going to do that*cough*"mahiru said then suddenly a soccerball came out of nowhere but it was not charged

"I dont know what just happened a second ago but I wont get angry"cona-
No Shinichi said

Then kuro went and layed on the floor
Then turned into a cat then I suddenly felt dizzy so did Shinichi and Kaito
And we all fell unconscious

(y/n):what are you laughing about!?

author-chan:looks like you fell asleep princess




author-chan:Im done! Im going to finish this chapter

(y/n):HEY WAI-

Did you like it pls tell me if you did and vote for this story if ypu feel like continuing this to like 50 chapters or even more maybe'only if (y/n)-chan becomes kinder'


author-chan:SEE WHAT I MEAN*sigh*

See you next chapter bye

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