Special Day:

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" Z..." A voice called out waking Zendaya up, but she just ignored it. " Zendaya!" the voice shouted in her ear making her jump up in bed.

" Who ever just yelled in my ear better start running now!!!" Zendaya spat out angry, getting up out of bed.

" Girl I'm gonna let that pass." Kaylee said holding her hips, " its your wedding day after all."

" oh yeah wedding day...." Zendaya copied still have a sleep.

" Let it sync in..." Darnell trailed off.

" Holy shit its my Wedding day!!!" Zendaya shot up out of bed and ran to the bathroom. " some one get all my make up and stuff ready, I'm gonna shower" She called out from the bathroom in a rush.

" Don't worry honey! were on it!!" Claire called back, before turning to the others, " guys we have to keep her calm today... she's going tot be really stressed..." she told everyone, who nodded understanding and got all of Zendaya's make up out.

" Okay guys the plan is make up, hair, lingerie and then dress, among tother things i need to put on!" Zendaya paced around the room with newly dry hair and in her white robe.

" Z just relax... Lets get your make up done..." Katianna sat Zendaya down at her make up table gently.

" I'm sitting because i have to do my make up..." Zendaya glared at the people around her, before starting to do her make up.

" do you want some breakfast Z?" Annabella asked nicely.

" umm! do you know what today is!!" Zendaya sassed still doing her make up.

" yeah..." Annabella responded taking a small step away from her sister.

" Ohh okay so you asked me if i wanted breakfast knowing full well i need to fit into my wedding dress!" Zendaya exclaimed doing her eyebrows.

" Okay!' Starla stood up from her seat on the lounge and walked up to Zendaya placing her hands on the girl shoulders gently, " okay honey... just breath..." she started rubbing the girls shoulders watching as she did her make up, "It's your wedding day, one of the happiest day of my life... i understand that your stressed but you need to eat honey..."

Zendaya shut her eye's and took a deep breath, " Starla this is such an important day... i just don't want anything to go wrong..." She confessed.

" i know honey... but you have to eat. Girl your not going to put on weight from some breakfast." Claire told her daughter, grabbing a plate of fruit from the mini fridge of the room, "now before you put on your lip gloss and stick your going to eat at least a few pieces." she continued as she placed the plate on the table next to Zendaya.

Groaning Zendaya picked up a piece of cut up apple and ate it, " happy?" she asked everyone.

" Yes!" Keala exclaimed as everyone else nodded in sync.

Zendaya just rolled her eye's and kept eating some more going though most of the apple pieces, before feeling sick to her stomach and ran to the bathroom, throwing it up.

" on second thought maybe i should of stuck to not eating..." Zendaya grimaced, as someone held her hair back.

" yeah no kidding..." Darnell said as he helped her up, let her brush her teeth again and brought her back out to her make up table. " Z... your not..."

" No Darnell I'm not." Zendaya told him and everyone else firmly, " its just stress thats all."

"ar-are you sure?" Claire asked gently.

" Yes! okay! I'm sure I'm not pregnant!!" Zendaya exclaimed as she touched up her make up.

" and your 100% s-" Katianna was out off.

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