Facetime Calls:

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A/N: sorry i just read back and wanted to add something here... 

Zendaya walked into her hotel room, after a long day of work, where she was staying, She had been learning all different types of tricks to do on the Trapeze and it was so exciting but also so took a lot of energy and hard work, luckily for her she was a fast learner and the team teaching her were all friendly and nice, taking their time to help her of stuff she needed help with.

She headed towards the little kitchenette and beds to see her dad, Kaz ( i know i shortened his name) and her assistant/ best friends, Darnell, in her Lounge room talking on what she guessed face time to her other family members that stayed home, while she was in New York filming the movie.

This is what happens when Darnell had the spare key... Zendaya thought to herself, rolling her eye's and smiled.

" Daya!!" Claire screamed though the laptop, seeing her daughter walk up to the lounge.

Zendaya laughed a bit at her mothers reaction, " hey momma!" Zendaya greeted back smiling, before grabbing the laptop, placing it in the coffee table in front of her and sat down, now her family could see her, her dad and Darnell all on the screen.

" how's filming Z?" Julien asked his baby sister, he and everyone else had been so excited when they heard Zendaya had gotten the role as Anne Wheeler.

" Ohh it so much fun!!" Zendaya exclaimed happily, " its like a real circus! and the crew and cast are so amazing!" she told them, waving her hands around a bit in excitement.

" HA!" Darnell let out, making everyone turn to him, " some more then others. Huh? Z...?" Darnell asked his best friend, making everyone look a bit confused. Darnell had see Her's and Zac's meeting and saw the connection immediately.

" what you talking about Darnell?" Annabella asked, wanting the gossip.

" Our little miss Zendaya here scared the living day lights out of a certain Mr Efron today..." Darnell told them slowly, making everyone turn to Zendaya with shocked faces.

" It wasn't on purpose!" Zendaya quickly said, correcting Darnell as she glared a bit at him, " He where watching the play back of a part of the movie we just filmed and he didn't notice i was behind him, when i spoke up."

" yeah and then he stared at you for what seemed like 5 minutes." Kaz added annoyed at that part, grumbling to himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

" he did what?" Kaylee asked thinking she heard wrong, " was it a bad stare or...?"

" it was a in Awe type of stare, he totally thought Z was hot." Darnell answered striking at him glaring best friend.

" he did not think i was hot." Zendaya told Darnell, crossing her arms, huffing at him.

" He so did..." Darnell told the others, winking at the screen, " he was so captured by her, and i can say the same for Daya here."

Zendaya scoffed, " i was not." she told him.

" yeah thats why you guys stood staring at each other in the eye's when you guys greeted each other." Darnell rolled his eye's at his friend.

" we weren't staring into each other eye's..." Zendaya muttered, looking down at her hands.

" you where Z..." Kaz told his daughter, making her look up at him in disbelief, " as much as it pains me to say it, you guys stood their staring at each other." he continued making Claire, and Zendaya's sister Aww loudly and Austin, Julien and Darnell laugh at Zendaya's facial expression.

Zendaya was about to reply, when a knock came from her hotel door, confused as Zendaya was Darnell not up, having been the closest, opening to door, to reveal The Zac Efron at his best friends door.

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