Dream State:

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After the retelling of there story, dinner, more talking , dancing and laughing everyone but the family had decided to go to where they where staying or there homes.

The family meaning, Claire and The rest of Zendaya's family, and Dylan, all had been sitting in the lounge room, the twins where exhausted and sleeping peacefully in bed, before they all fell a sleep, all exhausted from the night they just had, Zac and Zendaya still in their costumes.


Zendaya opened her eyes and looked around her to grin, " Good to be back." she said happily as she looked around her, she seemed to be in the middle of town, standing in front of a large building, carriages, horses and people all walking past, and/ or though her, " Now where's Anne..." she said out loud to herself, knowing no one could hear or see her.

" not here yet I'm guess." Zac voice spoke up, making her beam and turn to where she heard the voice come from, there stood, Zac and the rest of her family, who looked confused and a bit frightened.

" Zac!" Daya exclaimed happily and ran to him and into his arms, " your here in the memory again!"

" where in a memory!?" Darnell exclaimed shocked.

" so this is what you see..." Kaz said looking around him, " the directors got the set pretty accurate..."

" I'm so glad you are all here but why?" Zendaya asked confused, " i mean you have no connection like Zac and i do..." she continued with a thoughtful look.

Zac nudges her gently, before pointed to a carriage, " Anne and the Barnum's just got here!" he said happy.

Zendaya beamed, before grabbing his hand and quickly made her way over to where Anne and the girls where, the family still looking shocked, followed quickly behind them.

Anne looked up at the building in front of her, and took a deep breath in, a nervous and fearful look on her face, Zendaya let go of Zac's hand and walked up to her, standing Face to face with her with a determined face, before stepping back a little, hand on her hips, " Girl if your anything like me your probably so scared right now..." she spoke, knowing Anne couldn't hear her but did anyway, " but we also face our fears as much as we can."

" Are you sure about this Charity ?" Anne spoke up as Zendaya circled her a bit, looking at the outfit curiously.

" Daya wat are you doing?" Zac chuckled at his wife.

" this dress is really cute." Zendaya replied to him grinning, pointing at Anne's pink dress, " me and her are both dressed in gowns!" 

" Dang they really could be twins!" Katianna gasped out, looking at Anne and Zendaya, the other nodded doing the same.

Charity gave Anne a huge smiled and walked up to her, placing a hand on the girls shoulder, as Zendaya walked back to her family to watch the sight, " we can leave if you aren't ready..." she said softly to Anne.

They all watched as Anne turned to face Charity, " it just..." she begun, looking down a bit, " I'm really glad that I'm a Barnum now and i would never change that for the world, but..." she trailed off, before looking up, tears in her eye's, " Philip... he could get hurt because his dating me." she said softly to Charity.

" Girl me and you both." Zendaya spoke up and held Zac's hand tightly, as he smiled at her, " trust me i said the same thing..." she sighed, looking down at the memory, before back to Anne, Charity and the girl in front of her.

" He doesn't care about all of that Anne." Charity smiled at her, " Philip is going to be fine."

" How do you know that?!" Anne exclaimed tears rushing down her face, " have you seen the way people look at me? the way they look at us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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