" Zac?" she asked still giggling from her of laugher.
" you're beautiful." he let out as she blushed at him smiling shyly.
" so thats where you've been!" Darnell voice broke them from staring into each others eyes, they turned towards the for ways to see everyone standing there. " we have been trying to look for you two!"
" we told you we would be in here..." Zendaya answered looking at them, at that moment she could see them all mentally face palm.
" right..." Claire shyly let out as Zendaya laughed. " anyway what are you two doing up there!"
" i suggested that we both go up on the hoop." Zendaya shrugged.
" is that even safe?" Annabella asked looking a little worried.
Zendaya didn't answer right aways, she just swung herself around and landed sitting on Zac's lap as he immediately put one arm around her waist. She grabbed the remote and slowly made the hoop go down.
" well if i wasn't it would have probably done something when we first started to go up" Zendaya finally answered as both her's and Zac's feet touched the ground, she got off his lap and pulled Zac up.
" wait you didn't tell me that!" Zac exclaimed looking at her with wide eyes.
" hey you knew it was a risk." she pointed at him raising an eyebrow, as he just nodded on defeat.
" fair enough..." he sighed, Zendaya was about to reply to him when she saw something purple and a little shiny catch her eye.
" hey whats that?" she asked as she walked over to it, the other followed her.
As she and the others got closer she was it was the silk that aerial acrobats use, it was the same kind of purple as her other costume and shined brightly in the sunlight coming trough windows as the top of the room.
" i didn't know this was in here..." she breathed out as she touched the purple silk, it was cold and smooth against her hand as it welcomed her in. She had worked with Aerial Acrobatic stuff briefly when learning her trapeze stuff, she had seen one of the real circus performers use it and had asked if they were willing to show her how it was done, she spent a some months working with them so she had the basics in her mind, plus the rope scene was kind of the same except obviously it was a rope. ( sorry to anyone who actually does Aerial Acrobatic's, my information is probably wrong from now and continuing but it goes with the story...)
" uhh... Z your not thinking about what i think your thinking about right?" Darnell asked nervously as they watched her look up at the purple silk.
" shhh!" she turned to them all putting a finger up to her lips," I'm trying to concentrate here!"
" umm honey as much as i love it when you learn you things... are you sure about this...?" Claire asked in concern for her daughter.
" ill be fine." Zendaya replied before grabbing a hold of the silk, they all took a sharp breath in, Zac look like he was going to have a heart attach. She turned to Zac, " you going to spot me? " she asked as he stood their mouth open in shock. " ohh and hold this so i don't lose it." she continued as she pulled her ring off and gave it to him.
" uhh Z... as much as i know Zac will do anything to keep you safe... are you sure you should bedding this?" Kaz asked his daughter now freaking out.
" dad ill be fine. plus Zac was the one to Spot me on set, he always caught me if i fell."
" wait you fell a lot!" Claire asked frantically but zendaya was already pulling herself up, Zac quickly moved so he was under/ near the silk.

Rewrite The Stars
FanficI love Anne and Philips love story, but i also just love Zac and Zendaya. A lot of this if fake so if i get anything wrong, please no hate.