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" Zendaya! Costume change!" Michael called out from where he stood with Hugh, over to Zendaya who was sitting on the seats used for the movies circus costumers, with her family.

" Costume change?" Zendaya asked confused, " what for?" she questioned.

"we need to practice for the Rewrite the stars scene." Hugh answered for Michael. " its the only scene that hasn't been practiced as much as the others."

Zendaya got up and walked towards them, along with her family, so they weren't calling out to each other from one side of the building to the other. " we taking it from when Anne is sitting on the seats?" she asked.

" we will film that bit today if we can." Michael nodded, " but i want to get more rehearsal time in for the actual song number, there are lots of parts that we have know idea what you and Zac should do for it."

Zendaya nodded, " ill go change then." she told him, " you guys coming to my trailer?" she asked her family, who nodded wanting to see what her trailer looked like.

" Ohh and your hair is still natural under the wig right?" Michael waked before she could walk off.

" yeah it is." she answered confused.

" good because we need you natural hair in the scene." he told her nodding. " it will give Anne more personality, just mess it up a bit because this is after the opera scene."

" Right." Zendaya nodded understanding.

" Ohh and go pass Zac's trailer and tell him to get ready.' Hugh smiled at her.

" Okay. ill be back soon." she told the two before gesturing her family to follow her, " we have to go pass Zac's first.' she told them walking over to where all the trailers was, and up to one thats had Zac's name on a printed piece of paper that was laminated.

Zendaya knocked on it, taking deep breaths and waited for him to answer, foot steps where heard before Zac opened the door, in his suit pants but was shirtless.

"Hello Ms Wheeler " He greeted her happily and jokingly, almost as if he forgot about their awkward after kiss moment.

Zendaya rolled her eye's, " Hello Mr Carlyle." she played along, formal like her character would be, " P.T. said that you need to get ready for the next scene."

Zac nodded and chuckled, " yeah his been reminding me about it all day." he told her, " Hugh seems to think ill forget."

" his not wrong though is he?" Zendaya asked him, " you where asleep weren't you?" she gestured to his messy hair.

Zac shyly smiled, " yeah i was..." He answered her.

" Mhmm..." she sassed him, " now I've gotta go change, so ill see you on set." she told him smiling before waving and started walking off, " Bye Mr Carlyle!" she exclaimed before winking and turning back to head to her trailer which was about 20 meters away from his.

" what was that?" Darnell asked his friend, a knowing look on his face.

Zendaya looked at him innocently, " i was just waving bye." she answered.

" whatever Z." Darnell rolled his eye's, " you know what you where doing." he told her.

Zendaya just smirked and walked into the trailer letting everyone in, thankfully it was quite large. She sat down and started taking the bobby pins and stuff off to take the wig off.

" shouldn't you have hair and make up people?" Katianna asked her sister.

" i do but i can take my own wig off and in this scene i wont need to change my make up, its a more natural look and costume is easy." Zendaya answered, taking her wing off and placed it where it was meant to go before bringing her hands up and messed up her hair.

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