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" Z..." Zac said to his fiancé as she kissed him, it getting deep with passion, " your family could walk out." he told her as she pulled away.

Zendaya was breathing heavily, straddling him as he said against the back of the lounge, holding her waist, " Just kiss me." she told him breathless, " Come on with all the wedding planning and out jobs we haven't been able to at least make out for a while.."

Zac sighed, " as much as i want to say no... your right..." He nodded at her, " but we are just making out. nothing more because we need to finish off some of this stuff, plus i know you family will wake up soon." he told her.

" yeah." Zendaya nodded, " we definitely need to get the stuff done... but for now..." she said before connecting their lips together again.

Tongues entwining together, fighting each other, hands roaming each others bodies as Zendaya's slipped Zac shirt off and Zac's roaming over her chest and down to her ass, making her moan a bit.

* end of hallway*

" She's at it again with the music " Darnell said walking out of his room, to see the others standing their having just woken up, rubbing his eye's, " good thing it's not as early..."

It was 11am in the morning Everyone had once again been woken up by Zendaya's loud music... just like on Valentines day...

Claire nodded, " Bruno mars this time." she chuckled a bit.

" well may as well get some breakfast." Austin said before gesturing everyone down the hall with him.

They all walked out to the lounge room to see wedding planning stuff all over the coffee table and some on the lounge but that was not what shocked the family, it was the fact that Zac and Zendaya where both making out.

Zendaya was straddling Zac, as Zac was leaning back into the lounge, hands on Zendaya's hips, sometimes movies to other places, Thank god for the family the lounge could not see anything more because of the back of the lounge, Though seeing Zendaya moan a bit was enough for them, if that wasn't bad enough... Bruno mar's song ' straight up and down' was playing in the background.

" Arn't you mean to be doing wedding planning not practice for the night after the wedding party." Darnell decided to speck up for everyone, who where all standing worried at the sight in front of them, they did not need to see a steamy make out session between the two on the lounge.

Zac and Zendaya pulled away, as Zendaya looked up at them all, " Shit..." She said looking at them, " you were right..." She told Zac, groaning.

" Told you they would be up soon." Zac chuckled despite the situation.

Claire went to open her mouth and speck but nothing came out, instead she just walked into the kitchen the other following her.

" Now she is going to want to talk..." Zendaya said groaning to Zac, " she is probably going to give me the talk again..." she face planted again Zac shoulder.

" yeah well at least you don't need a cold shower now..." Zac told her making Zendaya giggle.

" Yeah you do." she winked before getting up, " go before they walk out here or something." she told him laughing a bit. " ill go talk to them." she told him before turning to walk to the kitchen, Zac smacked her ass as she did, making her squeal a bit. " ZAC!" she exclaimed laughing.

" you laughed at me." Zac shrugged at her, winking before quickly getting up and making his way down to the their bedroom.

Zendaya shook her head at his retreating back, before taking a deep breath and walked into the kitchen casually going the fridge pulling out the orange juice, grabbing a glass and poured herself some, before placing the bottle back in the fridge.

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