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It was the premiere night for The Greatest Showman, everyone had been down the red carpet, took picture and where now in the theatre room, which looked exactly like the circus would in the movie ( i know thats not true but like i said, please just ignore the wrong information), ready to watch the movie Both Zac and Zendaya's family had been placed together in the same row, both Zac and Zendaya had been placed in the middle, on the left of Zendaya was her family and to the right was Zac and his.

They all watched from the first moment Zac and Zendaya where introduced, at how much of their true emotion was in the scenes, from the moment they first saw each other they could see a connection other may not see if you didn't know the actors in really life.

It came to the part of the movie where the opera singer was performing, as both families and even actors watched the couple on the screen, every once and a while they would turn to the couple who sat next to them, they could see them mimicking their characters on the screen, only when the part came, where Philip let go, Zac held firmly as Zendaya tuned her head to him shocked, before smiling and held on to him tightly as he was, turning her head back to the screen, her brown curls hiding her face a little. ( i know she went in a short black wig but i really wanted for her to have her brown hair in this...).

The family watched as the movie went on, watching how Philip's parents wronged Anne and how Philip stood up for her, coming to their song's scene. They all saw Zac and Zendaya smile at each other before turning back, confused they did the same. ( bad copy i know... but it was the only one i could find.)

Everyone was stunned, the scene together was truly beautiful, they watched as Zendaya did all of her tricks, making her family loss of breath, they all knew she was good but not that good!, and how Zac eventually joined in, making everyone speechless. Eager to find out what happens next everyone leaned forward in their seats, captured in the movie, well that was until the fire happened and they all shrunk back terrified for these characters, they all new it was just a movie but not know what was going to happen made them anxious.

From the corner of their eye's they could see Zac and Zendaya both close together, knowing something was going to happen, they all watched the screen in front of them. Gasps could be hear though out the theatre as the building collapsed on the screen, they watched in sorrow, seeing Anne's horrified face before breathing out in relief as Barnum came out of the fire carrying a limp Philip.

They all watched intrigued though out the last minutes of the movie, finally coming to the end where both Philip and Anne kissed happily as the crowed cheered. Smiling huge the families of Zac and Zendaya turned to the two as they spoke quietly to each other smiling and holding hands.

" okay! i hope everyone enjoyed the movie!" the director said from his seat, where he stood, as cheers ran though the room making the actors laugh happy it did well, " now we have a few more clips to show you... we thought it would be a good idea to show behind the scene clips!" he exclaimed into the microphone before they heard a loud groan.

everyone tuned to see Zendaya slouched a little in her seat, " come on man... i probably look terrible..."

Laughing at her Hugh spoke up, " come on Z! everyone head their fair share of cuts!" he told her from his seat smiling.

Sighing at him smiling, she knew she couldn't say no, " fine..." she said as everyone cheered before the clip came up on the screen. ( pretend the two clips bellow are all in one video... also from this point on i know do not happen at premieres... just bare with my crazy imagination.)

" well what did everyone think?" the director asked as everyone was laughing at some parts of the clip. " I'm going to take the laughs as a complement." he continued as everyone just laughed even more. " ohh and we have one more clip... i think most of the cast will know this one."

Everyone from the cast smirked at Zac and Zendaya who, looked at them realising what it was.

" no...." Zendaya groaned hiding her face in Zac's shirt, as Zac just laughed and their family and friends watched smirking at the two.

" come on Zen Zen! we can be embarrassed together!" He told her as he pated her hair gently.

" oh fine..." she replied sitting up to watch the video.

" gosh that is so embarrassing!" she laughed, at the last clip.

"i know! and it hurt too! " Zac joined in, as did everyone.

" how many times did you guys fly into each other?" Claire asked as everyone calmed down.

Zac and Zendaya looked at each other before answering, " to many to count... we got it the first time we did it but then every time after that their was at least 10 run ins" Zendaya answered her mum.

" yeah we had to practice everything a lot. even our little pinky touch, that was always practiced, to get it perfect." Zac continued. " but the trapeze stuff was an everyday thing."

" you know i could probably add Trapeze to my job description now!" Zendaya started.

" yeah same!" Zac added, " we would be-"

" quadruple threats!' they finished together laughing. Everyone looked at them smiling.

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