Chapter 10: the beach part one

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Emily's POV

I woke up at 3:45 pm, feeling well rested, I jumped out of my bed and then went into the bathroom to wash my face. I went downstairs. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat on the stool beside the kitchen. then my phone started ringing, it was unknown caller.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Em it's Me." said the boy on the other line. Is he really that stupid?

"Hey ME, watcha doing?" I asked causally.

"Oh, sorry, I'm V." He said.

"It's okay. Wait, where did you get my number?" I said.

"Umm... Suga gave it to me." he said. Great he should give my number to everyone he meets.

"Okey-dokey" I said.

"So how are you feeling now?" he asked me.

"A lot better than before."

"So I was wondering if you want to come to beach with us, everyone is coming?" he asked.

"And by everyone you mean?" I asked him.

"Me, Suga, Jin, jimin,Jhope and Jungkook ." He said. Oh boy, I really don't want to see that Jungkook guy again; in front of him my body got a mind of its own. But I could really use some air right now.

"Fine, I'll be there." I said.

"Okay, meet us there at 4:30 okay?" he asked

"Sounds great. Bye." I said and hung up. I finished my juice. Suddenly i remember a memory of my dad teaching-me a lesson. It was about fighting. It was my first fight with Mia. She stole my favorite book and I don't know how but broke: shredded it. My dad told me " you shouldn't be angry she said sorry, you should give her a second you guys are best friends anyways listen to her side if the story too okey?" O god i mis him i have no one anymore to help me solve my stupid problems. I'm smart enough but having someone, to rely on feels good. I should listen to suga. I will give him a chance because i miss my best friend.

I went upstairs. I got changed into dark blue wash jeans, a large sized green sweatshirt and put on A adidas jacket. Overall, I wasn't looking attractive at all but I don't dress up to impress everyone. I was walking down the stairs and at the same time I was putting on my left sneaker. I was about to fall down but luckily balanced myself. Oh god, I'm lucky! I shouldn't do two things at the same time.

I was opening the front door when i heard a know i opened it and saw the man again he gave me a dog? O now i remember when i was at the adoption center i had this dog. His name is Kodo i got a dog it was after the old woman died i was sad that i had to experience something like that so they gave me a dog he is also my best buddy. He is white, little but dangerous he his bite can be dangerous. He also handed me a letter. i opened it

hope your days are good o btw he was missing you keep him maybe he has to go back, but in the mean time keep him.

I took him outside and then We started walking softly. It was dead silent. But I was enjoying the scenery. I know the way i just looked it up the way to the beach so it was not hard to find it. It felt like someone was following me. I turned around but no one was there. I looked here and there for about a minute but when I got nothing we just turned around and started walking again. As I took a step ahead my head started to ache. It was paining really badly; I couldn't stand, my legs were wobbly, and I fell on my knees. I clutched my hair tightly in hope that the pain would go away but nothing.

The pain was too much, I was about to pass out but then everything was gone. There was no pain, I was absolutely fine. I slowly tried to get up. I wasn't feeling alright. I balanced myself and then started to walk again. What happened back there was strange. I was absolutely fine and then suddenly I was lying on the ground groaning in pain. It has never happened to me before, so why now? That was not even a headache or something like that; it was like someone was hitting my head with a jumbo sized hammer, really hard. It was not normal at all. I kept thinking about it the whole time. After 15 minutes I reached there.

The scene was absolutely stunning. The beach was so beautiful; waves were crashing on the big rocks near them with a loud but pleasant noise. The smell of the salty water was mesmerizing. The sun was orange in color and the sky was filled with orange red and purple rays. It instantly calmed me down.

I could see the guys sitting near the shore and talking to each other. One of them turned around and came running to me. It was Jhope. Whenever I see him a huge smile is plastered on his face. Kodo run to the beach

"Hey" he said coming to me.

"Yo, what's up with you smiling all the time huh?" I asked him. And what do I get in return? Another big ear to ear smile.

"See, that's what I'm talking about." I said pointing at his face.

"Well, it's just that I'm a VERY happy person that likes to smile, a lot." He said smiling. Again? If I have to smile like him I would be the 'joker' of batman by now.

"Okay jhopie." I said and we walked to the rest of the group.

"Hey Emily " Jimin said hugging me.

"Heya jimin."I said hugging him back.

"Hey Emily ." Suga said.

"Hey Suga " I said politely with a smile on my face. He was shocked by my normal reply but quickly hide it. I promised my self that I will try, so I will give him another chance.
" Hey jin " i said and also gave him a hug.
Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. I was looking for him; Jimin noticed that I was searching something.

"He is not here; he went to meet a friend." He said, and emphasizes the word 'friend'. How did he know that I was looking for Jungkook ? Am I that obvious? Well whatever, but it seems that Jimin does not like his friend. I was happy that he was not here but at the same time my heart dropped, I want to see him. WHY? God, please tell me what is happening to me? I'm so confused right now. One, I don't want to see him. Two, when he is not here, I want to see him. It just does not make any sense. I quickly shook my head. Jimin just smiled at me.

I gave him don't-smile-at-me look. That's when I noticed that Taehyung was not there. When I looked around I saw that he was with a little girl about 3 or 4 years old near the shore. He was playing with her. Whoa! That was completely unexpected from someone like V . I walked up to him. He was collecting shells from the sea.

"Hey there." Tae said standing up.

"Hi V." I said. The little girl looked up at me and smiled. Aw, she was very cute. She had russet colored skin, dark brown eyes and black hairs. She was really pretty.

"Hi, I'm Clwaire and you are?" she asked me.

"Hey, Claire I'm Emily ." I said bending down to her level.

"Will you play with me?" she asked me with pure innocence.

"Sure, princess." I said and her smile couldn't get any bigger.

"Look V she called me a princess, Yay! I'm a princess." She said jumping up down clapping her hands.

"Of course you are." He said.

"The most beautiful one." I added and she hugged me kissing my cheek.

"I rwelly like yow." She said.

"Me too, sweetheart." I said and then we started playing, Tae was really happy with her. Taehyung was looking at Claire with such adoration that it amazed me. It was clear that he loves her very much, not as in a couple but as friends or can say as brother and sister. I was very happy for Claire that she had a protective and lovable companion as Him. They look too cute together.

After playing with them for a while I started playing Frisbee with jhope, kodo and the other guys also joined us, and what surprises me was how kodo trusted them he doesn't really trust people fast. then Jimin fell I just laughed at that. He is just too cute. I wonder what would happen to me if he was not in my life. They are so adorable all of them.

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