Book 1: chapter 1

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"Look for the sign." rings the voice in my head as I glance carefully around me at the doors I pass in my search. With the moon shining brightly onto my back, I cast long shadows upon the path ahead of me, paths that rarely see such long shadows judging from the sizes of the homes. Though they look cozy despite their size as pleasant lighting falls from the windows.

Usually, it is quiet at this hour, but listening carefully, I can hear a hustle and bustle up ahead, coming from one of the homes dug into a green hill. As I come closer, the sounds increase and can be differentiated from each other. They are merry sounds, like those of a celebration, leaving a tingle of excitement in my abdomen. I do believe I can conclude that the sound's origin will most likely be my destination.

"Aha." I breathe, spotting the rune glistening on the little round door. My deduction that the location of the sounds I have been hearing matches my destination is confirmed. I just hope that I'm not tardy.

I don't bother to open the small gate barring the path from the garden and step over it without effort before making my way up to the round door. Patting off any dust and dirt that may have accumulated on my gear during my journey, I then straighten myself before pulling on the cord that leads to a bell inside the home. It rings loudly to announce my presence and I wait.

It only lasts a few seconds before the door opens up, warm light streaming from the long hallway and into the darkness behind me making my pupils shrink from the glare. Before me stands a cross looking male hobbit, his mouth open in a shape that makes it seem like he's about to yell at me, but can't seem to bring himself to do so anymore.

His expression turns confused as I flash him a toothy grin, his mouth opens and closes as a fish caught on dry land would do, not sure what to say it seems. He's an amusing little fellow I decide, though I have not met many hobbits in my lifetime.

"You must be master Baggins. It is a pleasure to meet you." I state with a pleasant voice, bowing lightly before standing up again and swinging my caramel colored braid back over my shoulder as it snuck over my shoulder during the bow. It lightly slaps my behind as it returns to its original position.

Assessing the hobbit, I softly chuckle, realizing my fault when seeing the bewildered look on the hobbit's face. "Oh, forgive me! I do not often meet new people. I should probably introduce myself as it is customary. Therith is the name I was given." I introduce myself.

Hesitantly, the hobbit bows in return, "Bilbo Baggins." he introduces. "Miss, are you with....? Uhm... What I mean to say is...." he stammers as I look at him questioningly.

"Therith!" booms a voice from further along the hallway, catching my attention. "Please let the lady inside Bilbo and close the door. There is a terrible draft.", the voice complains making me smile in amusement. Stepping aside, Bilbo lets me in finally.

After carefully taking my bow and quiver from my back and placing them near the door, I follow the direction where the voice came from, closely followed by master Baggins. As expected I soon come face to face with an old friend. "Gandalf! How have you been faring?" I ask, closing the distance and giving him a peck on the cheek.

He nods, laughing. "I have been well my dear, and so have you I see. You look strong and healthy, a good start to a long journey." he says putting his pipe in his mouth and lighting it. Soon he is puffing out smoke contently.

Glancing around the room, I see to my surprise, dwarves all around. It is now clear that they were the source of all the merriment echoing through Hobbiton as they make quite a ruckus while they feast on good food and malt beer. They seem right at home in the hobbit-hole.

"Say Gandalf, what is this adventure you plan on having? I didn't quite expect such a large company." I admit, not sure what to make of it. I do like adventures and I traveled far and wide, but usually I travel on my own or perhaps with Gandalf if need be. I do not believe myself to be an unsocial person, but I tend to stay away from people for my own reasons. Gandalf knows this and so, I am quite taken aback at the moment.

Gandalf pets my shoulder in a reassuring way. "You will know soon enough, I will explain once our company is complete. Do not fret." he speaks, looking around at the curious faces glancing at me.

It slowly grows silent and Gandalf stands up, seeing as I'm not about to speak up myself. "This is Therith. She will be a great asset on our journey as she makes an excellent scout, keen and quick. Treat her well." he tells them, giving me a hint to my purpose as I give a small bow in greeting.

It doesn't take long before they jump at the chance to introduce themselves. "I'm Fili and the one at the end of the table, with his mouth full, is my brother Kili." introduces the first one with the light hair and beard while pointing at one with darker hair and a stubble who waves with a grin, chicken sticking out of the corner of his mouth. I wave back, choosing to ignore his manners.

"Balin, my lady. It is a pleasure to meet you." greets an older looking dwarf with gray hair and beard from my left.

"Likewise." I say, smiling at his calm demeanor. He seems like a pleasant dwarf.

He waves over a slightly taller dwarf who looks pretty tough. "This is my younger brother Dwalin." he introduces as the dwarf bows smiling before walking on while carrying extra chairs to the table.

Quickly enough, two others stand before me. Both stout and burly looking as one has grey hair and the other reddish brown. "Oin and Gloin missy. Nice to meet ya." the one with the red hair and beard says. I'm guessing they are brothers as well as I watch them set down more food on the table. They seem much alike.

"My name is Nori!" calls a dwarf with peculiar hair from the table before pointing next to him. "This is Dori and the one next to you is Ori." he finishes, making me look down next to me to a slightly timid looking dwarf.

He holds out a cup and I can smell the aroma of tea coming from it. "Care for some tea miss?" he asks kindly. I take it gratefully.

"Thank you very much." I say.

"Please take a seat." he says, motioning to an empty chair set up by Balin...Or was it Dwalin? All those names will be tough to remember. I almost sigh, feeling that my head could burst any minute, and I haven't even met all of them yet.

Taking the seat offered to me, I look to a certain dwarf on the other side of the table, who's name I have yet to hear. He is much thicker than the rest of them, but that is not the only thing that makes him stand out as his demeanor is quite jolly.

He smiles. "Bombur you may call me. My brother Bofur is the one beside you and my cousin Bifur is over here." he says finally giving names to the last ones. I suppress the need to sigh in relief as I feel glad that introductions are over.

I see Gandalf glance over at me with a knowing smile and I almost scowl at the wizard for putting me through this. Just then I remember him saying that the company was not yet complete, making me wonder who else will be joining us tonight.

Before they arrived though, food ran sparse and I barely managed to retrieve a bun before they ran out. And the clean up was really something else, especially to poor Bilbo it seems as cutlery flew through the air joined by song. The event was very stressing to the hobbit, but not one dish was broken, surprisingly.

I perk up a narrow eyebrow, impressed, as I pick up a now spotless goblet. I can see my face in the metal surface, reflecting my brown eyes with golden specks back to me. I put it down as the laughter ceases when a loud knock sounds on the door. All the dwarves have fallen eerily silent in anticipation making me glance around wearily. It's nearly frightening how the mood has changed so sudden. "He's here." Gandalf says almost ominously as the door is opened to reveal a stout, proud looking dwarf with long dark hair and beard. He carries with him an air of dignity.

The kickoff! How was the introduction? This story is already written down in full, but I will revise each chapter before putting it up here. I just want it to be of good quality.

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