Book 1: chapter 6

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It is late at night after lord Elrond explained to us the runes on the map only shown by moonlight. He and Gandalf walk off somewhere while the dwarves start up another feast of their own, laughing and eating as dwarves do best.

I can only focus on my own thoughts it seems, as I replay Lord Elrond's words in my mind and recall the many stories of my people. "How did you and Gandalf meet?" Bilbo asks curiously, seeming to appear out of nowhere. I never heard him coming; I was so preoccupied.

"Come again?" I ask, not sure I heard right.

"You and Gandalf have know each other for a long time right? How did you meet?" he asks again.

I blink once, taking a deep breath. "Yes, we have known each other for very long indeed, at least to me it is." I say, thinking over on what to tell him. "I met him for the first time when I was still young, just reaching adolescence. I was alone, had been for long and because of that, I was wild. I lived like a rogue animal on the rugged mountainside of one of the many far North. It was my home, but life there was very hard."

"One day Gandalf wandered close, although I never really know if he truly wanders as he always seem to have a purpose on his mind... Anyway, I saw him there and not used to coming across other people, I felt frightened. I did what I thought to be logical at the time and attacked him." I say, the memory making me chuckle. "That was a bad decision on my part."

"He spared me, although he left me wounded. I never really understood why he decided to stay and mend my wounds, talk and share his food with me, but he did. He finally gave me two options: I could stay and perish, whether it be from hunger, weather or murder, or I could come down the mountain with him and live. You would think the choice easy...." I say, seeing Bilbo nod in agreement. "...but it was not. The mountain was all I had know up till then. It was familiar."

"What made you go with him?" Fili asks, making me look up to see all the dwarves silent and huddled around to listen. I nearly blushed at the attention.

"His stories did." I finally say. "He had seen so much, knew so much, that I wished to experience the same. And that I have, to some extent at least." I explain.

"Have you ever longed to go back to your home?" Thorin then asks.

I can only shake my head with certainty. "I've never felt sorry for leaving my home. There was nothing left for me there."

It is silent for a moment before Balin speaks up. "I hardly ever heard of people living on mountainsides so barren. What are you lady Therith, if I may ask?" he asks carefully.

I almost refuse to say so, but recalling lord Elrond's words, I decide to push through, putting my trust in them. "We are known by the name of Sky folk or as some used to call us; Cloud dwellers." I say, looking around to find recognition in a few of their faces. It seems that some do know, while mostly the younger ones don't.

"Not possible! I thought them to be, I'm sorry to say, extinct or something." Dwalin says amazed.

"I as well." Dori agrees.

I look down sadly. "No, not yet at least." I say, gaining a few sympathetic looks.

"I'm sorry to ask, but what are Sky folk exactly?" Bilbo asks, looking around confused.

"Well, I heard stories, but never met one before until now." Gloin says. "The most amazing story I've heard is on their ability to fly." he continues.

"Fly?! Really?" Kili asks, turning to me with an excited look, making me smile a little. I nod in confirmation. "How?" he next asks.

"With wings." Thorin says as if it's obvious.

"But Therith doesn't have any wings." Kili counters.

"That's not entirely true." I tell him. "We have the ability to hide them. It is fortunate, because sometimes they can get in the way." I say before reaching through the back of the collar of my dress. I retrieve a feather of mine, it shining reddish brown as I hand it over to Bilbo who is nearest. "I still tend to shed though. It itches." I say randomly.

"It looks kind of like an eagles' feather." Bilbo comments before looking up at me. "Can I please keep it?" he asks, eyes large.

I quirk a brow, curious why he would as it, but I cannot deny his request. "If you wish to." I say.

"Can we see your wings?" Kili asks, sitting on the edge of his chair.

I shake my head. "That would prove difficult with this dress. Speaking of which, I should go change. We need to hurry from here before the elves try to stop us from leaving." I tell them before rushing off.

And doing as I said, we are soon back on the road while Gandalf stays behind to distract them as it may. We will most likely meet up with him again soon though. Thus we set foot in The Wild, taking us one step closer to Erebor.

The travel goes quite smooth for some time, much to our relief, but that changes when we reach the Misty Mountains. The weather turns out for the worst as lightning stretches itself across the sky at short intervals and water drops from the clouds like they wish to create a flood.

The path ahead is narrow and we have to stick to the rock walls if we do not want to perish, but the worst part comes when the rock itself starts moving. It doesn't take us long to realize we got caught up in the middle of a battle between giants. I would have been excited in any other situation, but as of now we fear for our lives too much.

When we finally get away with our hides unscathed, though Bilbo almost fell to his doom had it not been for Thorin, we reach a cave in the side of the mountain. It was relieving to be out of the bad weather finally and when I lay my head down I was soon fast asleep, weary like I have seldom been before. Sadly, my comfort is short lived.

"Wake up! Wake up!" calls Thorin, making me sit upright in a heartbeat. I have little time to react when all of us find ourselves falling down into darkness and roughly landing on a steep slope, making us slide down further.

I try to dig my nails into the ground, but it's mostly rock, so it has little to no effect. Huffing in annoyance, I throw off my tunic, letting it hit Bofur in the face. "What are you doing?!" calls a blushing Thorin, but he looks relieved to see I'm not bare underneath.

Up ahead I can see a glow of a dim light and it's nearing fast. Just before the exit, I spread my wings making me jerk to a halt as the others fall into what seems to be a cage. From my position I watch them being overrun and getting caught by goblins. They are soon carried away and I cuss to myself at getting caught up in this unfortunate event. There is one upside though; they forgot Bilbo for whatever reason.

"Bilbo." I whisper, descending slightly without being seen by the goblins. The hobbit reacts with a start, his eyes widening.

"Therith.'re really flying." he states gazing at my wings.

"I am, but listen to me. I'm going to try and free them. Stay put and do not let yourself be seen. There are worse creatures than goblins within these walls." I tell him sternly before taking off silently and staying away from curious eyes.

Therith is starting to let her guard down around the company. Will it turn out to be the right decision or will she learn to regret it?

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