Book 1: chapter 14

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I gasp and utter a squeak as I step into the cold flowing water of the stream. I quickly submerge myself to get this over with and scrub the dirt of myself and my clothes. Untying my braid, I do the same with my hair, though using a few herbs to keep it healthy. Getting out as quick as I got in, I make my way over to the campsite, my clothes soggy and clinging to my skin in an uncomfortable way, but there is not much I can do about it. I can hardly walk around naked at this time.

I sigh in content at the warmth of the fire developing me as I sit down. "Are you sure that was a smart idea? You could get sick." Legolas states, eying me from his spot.

I shrug. "I had to do it sometime, might as well be today when the wind is still." I tell him through a slight shiver.

It is indeed a quiet night and many stars can be seen above from the clearing next to the rushing waters. Despite our mission, it is a fine night and I can't help but enjoy the sights and sounds.

"Here, at least drink this so you will stay warm.", he says, handing over a small cup filled with a warm, strong, herbal brew. I take it, thanking him and blow on it to cool it down a bit.

There is a pleasant silence until Legolas' clear voice runs through the clearing. "It's good to see that you have recovered so quickly. I never knew that freedom could do so much for someone in such a short time, though I never met someone like you before."

I smile lightly. "Trust me when I say I'm surprised myself, though I have never been imprisoned before, so I had little reverence to go by. It will take a while before my wings are strong enough to carry me again though, but my mind has never been more clear. It's like I've gained a new appreciation for my ability to roam freely. And here I was just recently thinking if I perhaps should settle." she adds the last part more to herself.

"Have you always travelled?" Legolas asks curiously.

"For most of my life and I have been to a great many places, though it was my first time being within the confines of your father's realm." I tell him.

"In that case I must apologize for the disappointing first impression. Perhaps I can show you Mirkwood the way it is meant to be viewed one day?" he invites, making me smile.

"That would be pleasant indeed. You had better remember your offer, because I might hold you to it." I say teasingly.

He smiles in return. "I'll look forward to your arrival."

After my clothes have dried somewhat, I try to settle for the short night ahead. Hopefully we will gain on Tauriel and the company tomorrow and I suppose we will part ways soon after.

"Therith?" comes Legolas' voice as I close my eyes.


"Earlier you mentioned settling. Does that mean that you will try to find another of your kin and return to your home?" he asks.

I crack my eyes open just slightly and gaze through the flames at the elf. His eyes are reflecting the dancing lights coming from the flames.

I smile warily. "I don't think I have thought that far ahead. I only wondered if someday I would have a family again and a home like I barely remember having before."

Legolas nods thoughtfully. "I am sure you will someday. Do not give up hope." I smile at the thought before he asks; "Why did you travel in the company of dwarves? Do you have roots at Erebor?"

I shake my head. "No, not at all. My family lived to the far North and the only reason for joining the company is because I was asked to do so. I have come to enjoy their company to some extent." I say, smirking at the face Legolas pulls. "And I like adventure." I continue. "You never know what you will see and who you will get to meet. It has nearly always been worth the effort." I tell him, making him look into the flames thoughtfully.

"Have you quenched your curiosity prince? Or shall I write you a book on my life's story?" I ask, looking at him mockingly.

He glances at me with an apologetic smile. "I suppose I'm satisfied for now. Please sleep, I will not bother you again till morning." I smile before turning my back to the flames and close my eyes and let a light sleep welcome me.

Only a few hours later, I awake refreshed, smelling the crisp morning air as the first light of day peeks over the horizon. I see Legolas all ready to leave and I hurry to gather my few things before we make haste to catch up to whoever we come across first.

At the end of the river and at the banks of the lake, we come across Tauriel who is not very surprised to see that we followed her.

"Tauriel, you cannot hunt thirty orcs on your own." Legolas starts to reason, clearly still displeased at her sudden leaving.

"But I'm not on my own." she retorts knowingly.

"You knew I would come." he realizes, smiling at his friend, but it only lasts for a moment.

"The king is angry, Tauriel. For 600 years, my father has protected you, favoured you. You defied his orders; you betrayed his trust." Legolas says, waving his arms about to empathize. It clearly worries him. "Dandolo na nin...e gohenatha." he continues in Elvish, effectively shutting me out of their argument. Not that I mind. Their business is their own and with that I decide to take my distance, gazing over the lake at the small town sitting in the middle of it.

"It IS our fight!" Tauriel suddenly calls out. "It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light, and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world?" she tries to reason with Legolas. "Tell me, mellon, when did we let evil become stronger than us?" she questions him.

Her words seem to take effect and I have to admit that Tauriel is an admirable elleth for going against all orders to fight for what she believes in. Such strong willed elves are scarce, as most wouldn't dare defy their elders. I have not seen or spoken much with her, but I like her already.

"Fine. We will do what we must, but after that, we will go home." Legolas says determinately.

Tauriel nods, grateful for every opportunity. It is then that she turns to me, smiling brightly. "I am glad to see you in better health." she says, coming closer. "I do hope you do not mind us accompanying you for a little while longer, though as friends from this moment on." she says, making me smile in appreciation.

"I have hardly ever considered you an enemy Tauriel. I would be much obliged in accepting your friendship." I tell her, making her nod appreciatively.

I look over my shoulder to see Legolas nod, satisfied. "I suppose we should set out now, while their tracks are still fresh." he says, motioning to the orc prints on the muddy banks. I nod in agreement and quickly run onwards, the two elves joining me.

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