Chapter 1

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I walk through the entrance of Kallimore High, seeing everyone looking at me with joy. They all said hi to me and gave me compliments. I'm not surprised. This was my life everyday. Getting all of the attention. Doing great at probably everything. But I just don't really like the attention. In my heart, I just know that one person in this school is jealous of me. That is one reason why I don't like being "the Golden student", also known as the best student in Kallimore High. I just don't want people getting jealous of me, but want to know what is funny? I don't even know why I am so popular. Except that fact that my father is the mayor of our town . . . Okay now I know why.

As I reach the Chemistry classroom, I see my friends chatting with each other. I walk over towards them.

"Hey guys!" I said to them

"ARIA! It's so good to see you! It's been like a long time!"

"We saw each other yesterday at the grocery store."


We all laugh.

Oh! How could I forget to tell you! The one who was talking to me is Kendall. She is like this. KAWAII!!!! Yes, that. The girl with a brunette ponytail is Maesi. She is a tomboy. Really loves basketball. The blond curly haired girl is Emma. She is everywhere in social media. Basically, she is basic and also boy crazy. No to be harsh.

"Oh! Guys! Did you see the hot guy on Instagram!" Said Emma.

"Um, no. Why?" Said Maesi.

"Because he is soooooo hot!" Said Emma.

Maesi put her hand on her face and shakes her head.

"Okay class! Get out your lab coats and and notebooks. We are dissecting frogs today."

Maesi jumps with happiness. Emma looks disgusted. Kendall seemed to be very concerned of frog.

"Get into groups of 4 and then begin."

Maesi, Emma, and Kendall huddle around me. Then 3 other girl came by.

"Aria! Omg I love your hair."

"Thanks Jessica."

"Would you like to be in my group? We are soooooo much better."

"No thanks, I'm already in a group."

Jessica looks at my friends angrily. The her friends walk back to their lab area and Jessica follows.

"Oh and Jessica! I don't need you to copy my notes!"

Jessica was mad. Her face was as red as a tomato. It was kinda funny.

"EW! I SEE THE BRAIN!" Screamed Emma.

"Cam down, Emma." Said Maesi.

"Oooooo, I think I see that pink thing that holds food!" Said Kendall with amazement.

"You mean the stomach?" I asked.

"YEAH! Oh wow I see a fly in there."

"A FLY! ITS STILL IN THERE!" Screamed Emma again.

"OMG! Just shut up!" Yelled Maesi.

"There! Give me that scalpel." I Said

Kendall gave me the scalpel and I start to cut out the area where the stomach is at. I cut their the tubes where it connects the body with the stomach and then I use the tweezers and grab the stomach.

"YES! GO ARIA!" Yelled Kendall.

"Very good Aria! That is a success once again!" Said My Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Yuku.

I see that everybody claps for me and is proud at me, but I'm the corner I see Jessica looking at me very anger, clenching her fists and turning away. I feel bad. I think nit only is Jessica mad at me, but jealous. I feel the sense of jealousy for a long time. Probably for years. I just cant believe that a person can hold such bitter jealousy for a long time. I guess that's how life is. Everyone is different. No two are the same. That even means that no one can be me. I hope that nobody tries to be me. That would cause too many problems. Let's hope that never happens.

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