Chapter 10

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Today is the day. Romeo and Juliet is now taking action. Mr. Deven walked up to me before getting my costume on.

"I forgot something very important."

"What is it?"

"Luke knows this, but there is a kissing scene played at the masquerade ball part."


"Don't freak out."

"But I can't kiss him."

"Why not? He is attractive and very smart. He is so perfect."

"His ex-girlfriend is here. I don't want to ruin my friendship with him or any other guy that I am friends with."

"I understand, but they will understand. It's just a play and not actually reality."

"Okay, Fine, I'll do it."

"Splendid! Go get ready."

I nod and head for the dressing room. The cats gets ready. I put on my make-up and see that Maddie is holding a teacup and a teapot.

"Here, before you go on, let's have some tea. I know you love tea."

"I actually do."

I grab a teacup. She smiles.

"Go ahead."

"Wait, there is something in there."

I point out something white in my tea.

"Because she is trying to put you to sleep."

Luke walks over and grabs the teacup off of my hands.

"Luke?" I question.

"Maddie put some kind of seeping powder in here."

"Look, I have to do it. I want that part."

"Life isn't fair, Maddie." I told her.

He grows red and storms off.

"Thank you, Luke."

"It's nothing. Ready for the kissing scene?"

"Don't remind me."

We both laugh and head for the stage.

The play started off fantastic. We got to the masquerade ball part.

"Madame, you are the most beautiful women ever. Maybe I ask, what your name?"

"Thank you good sir, I'm Juliet Capluet.


"Yes, why so concerned?"

"I'm a Montegue."

"Oh, that's a shame."

"How rude of me, I'm Romeo."

"Romeo? What a name that I quite like."

"Thank you, madame. Your beauty is over flowing my eyes. Will do a great dead and serve a kiss to me."

"Why not."

Then we kiss. The applause was loud. Luke puts his hand on left cheek and I put my arms around his neck. We both let go. The applause dies out.

"We mustn't tell a soul."

"Understood, but Romeo, will I ever see you again? My mother want me to marry Paris."

"Meet at the apple tree?"

"For certain."

The curtains drop at that part. Everyone claps and the cast congratulated Luke and I.

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