Chapter 7

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"How was your date?" Asked Kendall.

"Amazing!" I answered

I explained to the girls everything. EVERYTHING. They were surprised. Also, they kept asking me if we were dating.

"No, we are still neutral."

"Oh, come on!" Said Emma in frustration.

"Do you want to him to be your boyfriend." Asked Maesi.

"I don't know." I replied.


"Well, time for class." I said.

We all walked to class and continued our daily schedule. After school, I went to the theatre room. We practiced Romeo and Juliet. Luke did great. I think I did okay. After rehearsal, I checked on Luke to make sure if he was okay.

"Hey Luke."

"Hi Aria."

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You aren't, you kept looking at the ground."

"I'm sorry, it's hard right now."

"I understand. If you can't do Romeo than it is okay."

Luke looked at me and smiled.

"How Are you so understanding?"

"I have never had a boyfriend, but I can put myself in your shoes. Just remember that no matter what, you can get passed it."

"Thank you. I'm not going to give up my spot as Romeo."

"Good, you are the only one able to play the role anyways."

He laughed.

"Come on, let's go home."


We walked to the parking lot and then we stopped by Luke's car.

"Want me to drive you?"

"I'll walk."

"Oh no, come one."

I rolled by eyes as we both went into Luke's car.

"Let's get this car to your house."

I chuckle.

We drove in awkwardness. Until, Luke broke the silence.

"Maybe we could practice more at each other's houses."

"Yeah definitely."

"It gives us accuse to hang out more."

We both laugh.

"We could practice the kissing scene in page 589."

"There is a kissing scene?"

I open the book Romeo and Juliet, looking for the page and then I couldn't find it.

"There is no page 589."

We both went silent. We got to my house and we both get out of the car.

"About page 589. . ."


He hesitated. He stood there rocking back and forth and I looked deep into his light blue eyes. He leaned over and kissed me. We stayed that way for a few minutes. Sooner or later, he moves away.

"Ever since I broke up with Maddie, I kinda left something for you."

His confession hit me. He likes me. He actually likes me. But, Jonas does too. What am I going to do.

"Aria, would like to go out with me sometime?"

I look, still, into his eyes and I thought about it. If I gave Jonas a chance, Luke should also get a chance.

"Yeah sure."

He smiles with joy.

"Great, look, I gotta go."

"Okay, see you tomorrow at rehearsal."

"You too."

Before he gets in the car, he ones over and kisses my left cheek then walks off into his car. I see him drive off. I run with joy into my room. First, I go on a date with Jonas and now I'm going on a date with Luke. What is wrong with me? All of these boys keep asking me and I never gave them a chance. Why suddenly? Why am I giving them a chance? Do I feel bad for them? Do I feel like they deserve it? Do I like them? Impossible. I can't. I'm too focused on my education. This is so much. I need some sleep. I decide to go to bed and get some rest. I drift to sleep once again.

I woke up from my father's shaking.

"Aria, wake up!"

"What? I'm up."

"We have to go."

"What? Why? Why are you crying?"

"I'll explain it later. Let's go."

My father rushes me to his car and we drive very quickly.

"What going on!?"

"Mother got into a car crash."


"Another car crashed into her. The other car was a teen who didn't get their license. The teen is a male. He was going so fast. Mother is at the hospital. The doctors aren't sure if she is okay."

"Do you think she will be okay?"

"I- I don't know."

We stayed silent as my father says that he is unsure if Mom will be okay. I'm worried for my life. I could lose my mother right now. I won't know what to do if I do lose. My mother. My best friend. My caretaker. She could be gone.

We arrive at the hospital. We sit on the hospital chairs waiting for the doctors answers. The intensity over flows my mind. My eyes dart towards my mother's. My right foot starts to tap the tiled floor. My father and I see the doctor looking depressed. He comes to us as my father and I dart up, out of our seats.

"Mr. Quartz, I'm so sorry she-she . . ."

"No. It can't be."

My father sits down and puts his left hand on my face. He rubs his face and starts to tear up.

"No. Mom."

I slowly step back. I look at my father and the doctor. I already know what he was going to say. My mother is really gone. She is gone. Forever.

My mother is dead.

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