Chapter 13- Aiden

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I walk towards the back of the school, looking for Aiden. Eventually, I see him pacing back and forth. I come towards him and he turns my direction.

"Oh, you startled me, Aria."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you my decision."


"I do what to be yours."

He came towards me with joy. He puts his hands in my hips and holds me in the air. He twirls me around and I laugh in happiness. He put me down afterwards.

"I'm now officially the happiest man in the world."

"How come?"

"I'm with the "Golden Girl."

"Oh shut up."

He pulls me closer and then we touch lips. It was amazing. Such a tough man with a kind heart. I think . . . I pull away and then he turns towards me.

"What's wrong?"

"Promise me that you won't cheat on me, you little Mr. Bad boy."

"Oh I won't "Golden Girl."

I shaking my head, chuckling at the same time. We heard the bell ring and we towards Aiden's car. On the way, I see Jonas and Luke.

"Ill be right back."

"Okay, Don't cheat on me."

I roll me eyes.

I talked to Jonas and Luke. I told them that I'm with Aiden. Of course they were sad, but happy that I was happy. I'm glad they agreed to stay as friends. I don't know what I would do if they weren't my friends.

I wave goodbye and then I head back into Aiden's arms. Once we reached towards Aiden's car, we got in the car.


"Ready is all I will ever be."

Aiden turns the engine and then we head out way to my house. It got awkward, but I decided to break the silence with a conversation. Obviously.

"Sorry for asking, but where is your father?"

"You can ask anything you like, after beating him up, I called the police and they picked him up. We went to court and they decided to put him in jail."

"For how long?"

"I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. I think for life. For abuse and for abusing drugs. Stolen drugs. Don't worry, I did claim that I was forced to steal."

"At least you were honest."

Aiden holds my hand.

"No one will touch you. Not even my father."



"Good enough for me."

He chuckles.

We reached my house and we got out of the car. Aiden walked towards me as I walked towards the front door.

"A kiss would be nice."

"Fine Fine. Boost up the player ego of yours."

He laughed and then he puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. After some time, I pull away, but he holds my hand.

"I have to go."

"But I love you."

"I'm not going to bed with you."

He laughed.

"Of course not."

We both laughed. He let go of my hand and watched me go inside. I watched him leave my neighborhood and I waved goodbye. He did the same. I moved away from the window and saw my parents smiling.

"We are proud of you." Said my Mom

"For what?"I asked

"For finding him. The one. Aiden is the one. I didn't except a bad boy, but he seems nice enough." Claimed my dad

"Oh stop it."

I walked over and hugged Mom and dad."

"He will make a great boyfriend." Claimed my Mom.

"I know." I said.

We all walked over to the kitchen and started a conversation. I couldn't stop thinking about Aiden. I found him. I refused to fall in love, but at the end, love ways finds a way. It will for most people. But not all. I'm even surprised it worked on me. But I guess life works in eerie ways.

Thank you so mush for reading Broken Gold. You picked Aiden! Interesting! If you want to read the Jonas and Luke ending, go right ahead. I can't control on what you read, right? Anyways, thank you so much for reading and have a good day!

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