Chapter 8

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Jess's pov

Hanging out with Maci last night was great it felt like old times back when we were still good friends now i feel like Derek controls whether or not i can see Maci so i could barley see her anymore she tried to sneak out to meet with me all she could but at the same time i feel like she goes home to Derek and everything is fine with them i don't understand how she could play us both and we are both dumb enough to fall for it i still had been spending time with Karlie i kinda think that if i don't work out with Maci at all Karlie is still an option i don't want to think about not getting Maci in the end. Derek doesn't know how to treat her like i can. I got out of bed knowing i has cattle to tend to and chores to do by myself so it was going to be a long morning of being outside i put a few layers on due to it being the middle of winter and very cold. I opened the door to find Maci standing there hey she said can we talk she asked? i told her of course i was always down to talk to her. Only under one condition i said tho you have to help me with chores Jake is busy today and i am not really on speaking terms with Derek to ask him to help. She sighed and said fine. ONce she slipped on my extra chore boots she followed me out out to the pasture first to water the bulls she looks at me and says Jess i just don't know what to do with myself right now i am stuck between you and Derek i just my mind is in one place but heart in the other i want you in my heart but in my mind i just picture Derek and I getting married and me being unhappy for the rest of my life, look Jess i'm pregnant with his baby and i know you would not want to have another guys baby in your life so i get it but Derek and I have been fighting so much lately i haven't even told him i was pregnant because its just like every time i step foot into that house he has something to bitch about. I looked at her and said Maci you honestly think i wouldn't accept you and a kid the only person you are fooling by saying that is yourself i think everything about you is perfect besides the relationship you are in i would accept you any way you will come to me in. I love you Maci i always have since i ever laid eyes on you but you have always been with Derek instead of looking past him to see that there is better out there. After i finished my last sentence her lips crashed into mine once she stopped to gasp for air she said i love you to Jess but i think we need to tend to these bulls before they get in a worse mood.

Derek's pov

I have lately been fighting with Maci about anything and everything i just cannot control my anger anymore its like whatever she does i just get mad i feel terrible for doing this to her but at his point we have postponed the wedding too many issues we haven't tried to work out . I don't know why i'm letting the love of my life go by acting like this but it feels like i just shouldnt be with her for doing this to her but she still puts up with me through it i just have so much love for her... 

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