Chapter 21

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5 months later

Maci's pov

i had been having bad contractions all week but my water had not broke so i hadn't thought about going to the hospital yet, i got up to go see what Gannon was doing he was in his room with the door shut so that was scary i walked in and saw Jess and Gannon asleep in his little toddler bed we had been trying to train him not to sleep in out bed but his own smiled and snapped a picture as i took the picture i felt a rush of liquid come running down my leg JESS i yelled he popped up and said omg are we having a baby i smiled and said yes baby we are having a baby, he got the bag and got Gannon who some how slept through my yelling we dropped him off at Derek's because he was exhausted still and it would be better for him to just stay with his dad while i was in the hospital. Derek came out and gave me a hug and said good luck pushing that sucker out i laughed then moaned in pain, i asked him to bring Gannon tomorrow after everything was over he said he would i was thankful that he was being there for me through this. We were off shortly after Derek went into his house with Gannon, i was in a lot a pain and the contractions were speeding up and so did Jess's driving we soon arrived he ran inside he was a pro because this was his second time helping through labor once i was in and everything was ready i was soon pushing the baby out. I finally after almost 3 hours gave birth to a baby girl, she was 5 pounds and 6 oz 16 inches long she looked just like Jess. 

Jess's pov

I was a dad i felt so amazing and blessed to have a daughter that i would love and protect my whole life. i looked at Maci and said so whats the name going to be she smiled and said i want you to name her whatever you want. I smiled and said Dallas Lee Lockwood, Maci said she loved it i had always wanted to name my child Dallas i didn't know why but it was a cute name that i was in love with. I kissed Maci's forehead and in walked Momma Ang and Papa Ed my parents and Jake, i smiled and they hugged us both and congratulated us i handed my mother Dallas and she shed a few tears and said Jess she looks just like you and shes is beautiful you should be proud. Everyone held her and said how beautiful she was i was amazed. 

the next day

Derek's pov

Gannon come on lets got see ur new sister mommy had her baby pure joy came onto his face he was so excited to go see his sister it was so cute, i can't believe he will be 2 in 2 months it was crazy to think that my baby was about to be 2. We loaded up and headed up to the ole hospital, thinking about being here for Maci's second child that wasn't min kinda got me a little upset that i couldn't be here for Gannon but i will do everything in my power to make the next 16 years of his life the best, we arrived and i got him out and carried him into Maci's room i walked in to see Maci alseep and Jess chillen on the couch with the baby watching spongebob. i laughed, and walked in hey Jess hows it going i said as i walked in he shot up and Gannon ran over to him and said Jess can i please hold the baby Jess smiled and said yes ans assisted him in holding Dallas, she was adorable and i was happy for them, i was happy for myself for being happy for them i was already blessed with my own baby, and i found a new girl her name was Aymie and she was perfect i think i found my girl like Jess found Maci. Soon Maci woke up and thanked me for bringing Gannon and asked me to take a picture of her, Jess , Gannon , and the baby together i said yes and snapped a picture real quick and told her that i had found myself i new women and that i wanted Gannon to meet her she said of course and said that i could keep him for the weekend if i wanted if not than he could go to her house because her parents would be there if i needed i told her it was no problem for me to keep him.     

skip to a few days later

Derek's pov still 

Gannon was going to meet Aymie today i was really excited about it because i wanted him to like her as much as i did, she was on her way as i was getting Gannon dressed i heard a knock and let her in kissing he cheek on her way in Gannon came running out and said daddy who's this i explained to him that it was my new girlfriend like mommy has Jess i have Aymie  he smiled and said he understood we chatted and had dinner, by the end of the night Aymie had chose to stay the night, so Gannon was upset that he couldn't sleep in my bed tonight but it would be alright since Maci doesn't want him sleeping our beds anymore anyhow so i took him to his room and kissed him goodnight and told him i loved him, he said daddy wait tell Aymie to come in here so i can tell her goodnight to i was happy to know that he liked her, i got her and she followed me in goodnight Aymie he said and gave her a hug it was such a cute thing to see because i was so worried about him not liking her. 

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