Chapter 16

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Maci's pov

We woke up Jess still complaining about having to sleep next to my Zac Efron poster i just laughed and told him not to be jealous, I woke up and saw that Gannon was already out of his pack and play no where to be seen i looked at Jess and at the same time we turned and your mom totally took him. I put a shirt on and walked out of the bedroom seeing my mom feeding Gannon his morning bottle i walked in an said i figured you would have him i she laughed saying that she heard him crying and walked in and that i looked exhausted so she took him off of my hands for a little while i smiled and hugged her she was thoughtful from time to time i really needed sleep because he is always up i am surprised i never heard him crying maybe i was just in a great sleep for once. I kissed Jess's cheek a asked my mom to watch Gannon while i showered she said yes and Mack was soon up asking to hold Gannon my mom looked at me first before giving him to Mack i shook my heads and said he always wants to hold him so its alright, i smile and walk away Jess follows of course i laughed. I used the bathroom in room because i did not want to get walked in on, i stripped outta my PJ's and hopped in and not to my surprise Jess followed close behind and got in as well which i figured he would. I turned around and faced him he planted a sweet little kiss on my lips which i kinda deepened into a make out session but did not go further than that since ya know my parents were right outside. I pulled away and smiled as i was now washing my hair and Jess was doing the same eventually we were both done and hopped out i dried my hair and straightened it as Jess just got out got dressed and left to go talk to the fam or Cooper it was hard to say, i picked out an outfit for myself first then Gannon i changed and walked out to see Cooper and Jess getting ready to go for tonight's event which i had kind forgot about. I kissed Jess good bye and hugged Coop wishing them both good luck i looked at my phone to see that i had a message from Derek.

From Derek: hey bring Gannon back tonight i wanna see him before i ride and my parents are here i kinda want them to meet him. 

To Derek: of course i can do that i cannot wait for your parents to meet him i think they'll be i love. 

From Derek: yeah i think so to. How'd your mom and dad take it? 

To Derek: ahh not to bad just kind pissed i didn't let them know what was happening in my life i guess. lol anyways see ya tonight good luckkk!

From Derek: thanks i'll need it.

with that the convo ended and Maci finished getting ready as well as dressing Gannon in his little Derek Kolbaba shirt Derek had picked him out and i knew it would make him happy to see him in it since his parents will be there to i picked Gannon up and laid him in his carseat and we were off, I drove Jess's truck because my car was back in Montana and Cody drove him, Derek, and Coop to the event my mom and dad were leaving a little bit later than us i wanted to be there early one so i could see Jess before he was done warming up and 2 so that Darla and Jim can see Gannon while Derek introduces them i will go talk to Jess and the rest of the gang. I found Derek and came running whoaaa slow down there Derek says laughing i set Gannon down and give him a hug as well as his parents they were very nice people. As i got Gannon out of his car seat i handed him to Derek and said i will be right back and ran over to Jess i was watching from a distance as Jim and Darla picked him up and held him looking at him with pure love it was so cute to see them interacting with him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Silvano Alves came over and patted Jess on the shoulder and said so when is the wedding? To be real we have not even talked about it but we probably should because we cannot be engaged for ever i guess i laughed and hit him on the shoulder i walked back over as Derek was done passing Gannon around i put him back in his seat and picked him up, i said i would see Derek and his parents later as i was going to find Momma Ang and Papa Ed Jess's parents once i spotted them sitting next to my parents i smiled and waved oh and Karlie was up there to i made it up the steps and sat beside Angie and talked to her she held Gannon while i got myself together and made him a bottle i smiled at the sight of her holding him tho not by blood she would always be his grand mother, i smiled and looked up to see that round om had already been down to only 2 riders left once they went it was Derek #1 Jess #2 Cooper #3 and Cody in 5th.

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