Chapter 18

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10 months later

Maci's pov

Today was Gannon's 1st birthday i was so exited my baby was growing up so fast time needed to slow down, Jess and I were still planing our wedding we were taking our time but we knew that we were in love and our love was true but with all the events and everything we were always so busy but the wedding was coming up in 2 months i was so unprepared for it tho,  i walked down stairs to see Derek, Karlie,and Cody they were all huddled up and talking i didn't really have a plan for his party we were just kinda gonna have a little get together and Derek knew i did not have a huge party planned so he was going to change that. He walked over and gave me a hug saying he couldn't believe our baby was one today i smiled and said i know where has this year gone, well in recap this was the year... Derek and i broke up, i was pregnant did not tell him, he came back to Montana after anger management treatment, Jess and i started dating, Derek found out about Gannon, Jess and I got engaged, and Derek was the 2019 PBR world champ, well there ya go that is how Gannon's first year of life went. I laughed as i finished that thought, just then Jess came downstairs carrying Gannon once he saw Derek was here he handed him to Derek smiling. Jess and Derek had worked out their differences that they have had in the past. I could not be more happy in life than i truly am right now thing were great and i have the man i love right by my side through everything. I sighed and said Derek what did you plan? He smiled and said oh just wait the party i guess was going to be at his house which was still right next door all of us still lived in a row today was Gannon's birthday and tomorrow was Karlie and Cody's wedding they had waited for us to have our wedding first but that did not happen so they set their date after we finally told them we were waiting to have ours. They were truly in love and i loved seeing them together. I needed to get dressed for today's adventure, i walked upstairs with Jess after Derek left with Gannon. I was finally upstairs and about to shower with Jess following close behind, i laughed and asked him why he was following me and he smiled and said you know why i hopped in the shower and like i assumed Jess followed as always. I showered and got out leaving him in there. I changed into a long maxi/sundress and curled my hair it was a  hot summer day but Jess was still in jeans as always, these cowboys don't wear shorts is what he told me. I applied light make up and a little lipstick and then i was ready to go it sucked that my parents nor his would probably be there for his first party but he will have plenty more but at least the ones i loved most would be there since we all live with in 3 seconds of each other it felt like. i walked downstairs and took Jess's hand i mean there was no point in driving over to Derek's whenever he was right next door but i did not want to walk so i made Jess drive. 

Jess's pov

Why can't we just walk over there its not that far i said trying to pull Maci off the couch she stood her ground about these things, so i grabbed my truck keys and picked her up throwing her over my shoulder and saying fine we will drive. 

Maci's pov

I knew Jess would give in, once we were at Derek's we went inside and opened up the door to my parents his parents, Silvano Alves and his family, Derek's cousins Ryder and Chey and daughter Bexley, Cooper and his fam, Cody , Karlie, and many more i was shocked you could pull this all off i laughed while hugging Derek he said don't just thank me it was your lover boy over there to he knew and i knew you were stressing about planning ur wedding so we came together and planned this for you. I hugged them both and then found my mother holding Gannon and went over and gave her and my father hugs thanking them for coming and did the same to Derek and Jess's parents i was so happy to see everyone, i almost forgot that i was planning on telling a huge thing i had been keeping to myself and Jess of course i looked at Jess and we kinda went to the middle of the room he shouted kinda that we had an announcement to make, he looked at me and nodded so everyone i very glad that you could all make it and i very happy that you were all invited so that we could share some news with you guys i looked at Jess almost like i was asking for permission which i mean i kinda was he shook his head and i said Jess and I are expecting our first child i am only around 2 months after the last word came out of my mouth everyone bursted out in congrats and hugs saying they were so happy for us, i was so happy for us to.  

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