Love Letters to Him

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A/N MINI PROJECT TIME! I pushed my big project back because I have practically zero motivation for it. But I want to get that project started soon, so keep an eye out for it, I guess???


Dear Pattycakes,

Hello Pat! I wanted to tell you I love you and I miss you and I wish you were here with me! Enclosed in this letter is a packet of photos I thought you might want to add to our scrapbook. Perhaps you can even put this letter next to yours. Yeah! I like that. I'll (regretfully) send back your love letter so you can add it to the scrapbook. Oh and about the pictures, I'm sure you'll recognize at least one familiar portrait. I hope you like it! The fans seem to adore it.

I wanted to tell you that I hate being away from you for so long. I know you wanted to stay with Thomas and film videos with him. I don't want you to have to put your life on hold for me. That is terribly unfair of me to ask of you, so I won't. But I hope you're having fun and I hope you know how much I truly miss you. I wish you all the love an happiness in the world plus more. I know this letter is short, but I don't really have enough time and my driver is getting impatient. I will write a longer hopefully sooner, or better yet, I'll get to see you in person again. I can't wait to kiss you again honey. I love you.

Forever your baby,



Dearest Logan,

Okay, you remember how I'm Romance right? Well, I'm going to write you a love letter and you're going to love it! Wait, that sounds mean. Sorry! Um, let's see. Oh yeah!

Logan, I love you. Just knowing you are mine and I am yours, makes my heart flutter with delight. I blush every time I think about you and I still have that picture of you in your Halloween costume. Oops! But seriously, I love you with every fiber of my heart.

I can't imagine a better person to love and have in my life. Even though when you use a large vocabulary, I have no idea what you're saying, I still love talking to you most. You're just a fascinating person and there always seems to be another facet to you I have yet to uncover. I love how different you are and GAH! I love, love, LOVE you.

I know I belong with you and I love you too much. Did you catch the reference? No? Okay. But really Logan, in all seriousness, loving you is just in my deoxyribonucleic acid.

Sincerely with Love,



My Thomas,

In this day and age, no just sits down and writes out all of the reasons why they love someone. I decided to change that. You deserve to know how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you.

You are my sunlight when my days are gray, you are the stars in my night sky, you are the rainbow after my rain storms. You have been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or when I need to gush about how wonderful my day is.

I hope I am as valuable to you as you are to me. I hope you need me as much as I need you. I hope you love me as much as I do. Thomas Sanders, I love you from the edge of the universe and back an infinite amount of times. And if you love me just as much, well, you have made me the happiest person alive. Thank you for being my one and only love and thank you for being apart of my life.




My Heroic Prince Roman,

I want to first start off by saying thank you for your letter. It was so sweet and thoughtful and I hope my response lives up to your letters standards. Okay, here goes nothing.

There are not enough words in the dictionary for me to tell you how in love I am with you. I can feel my heart grow wings when you are near and I want nothing more than to fly into your arms. Everything you do for me never goes unnoticed and I want to thank you for that. You don't have to keep buying me such expensive clothes or fancy ornaments; I love you just the way you are. Though I don't mind the occasional love letter. You certainly have a way with words my charming.

You are the center of my life. Every little thing reminds me of you and I wouldn't have it any other way. Though we have our bumps, neither of us are perfect and the problems are what makes life interesting. I want to thank you for choosing to love me. I also want to thank you for being the best boyfriend in the universe. I want to thank you for every little thing you do for me. But mostly, I want to thank you for proving to me opposites really CAN attract.

I love, love, LOVE, you!




I know sappy romantic gestures aren't your thing, so I'll make this short and sweet. Like you! Okay, I'll stop now.

Virge, You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You are sarcastic funny, the perfect amount of smart, and you are so loving, I thank my lucky stars you're mine and I'm yours. You have helped me through some stressful times and I am more than happy to help you work through yours. You are that special to me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You are my special gift. I could never imagine a life without you and why would I want to? You're perfect to meet! You meet all my "requirements" for perfection. I love you with all my heart and I hope you know that. I hope you realize how truly special you are to me because without you there is no us and by some extension, no me. So love with all your heart or I will love enough for the both of us, because I truly love you more than anything else in the world. Except maybe food, and music, and the color black... But you are still VERY high on my list! SO be proud of that!

From your Lovely, Darling Diamond,


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