Perfect Fluff

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A/N: So I'm a HUGE Camila Cabello and 5H fan so when I heard 'Perfect' by Ally Brooke I thought it'd be cool to make a fluff inspired by the song! :)

Everytime I feel like I'm not really worth it, then you say I'm perfect.

Diana sat back in her seat, a frown appearing on her usually calm face. "Steve?" She asked, her eyes looking into the fire until she couldn't tell the difference between the colors.

"Yeah?" He asked, rubbing her back slowly. "Are you okay?"

She wiped at her tears, nodding her head. "Yeah but . . . What's so good about me? I mean, I'm not like Etta. I don't understand basic human things and everyone judges me, which results in them judging you. Wouldn't it be easy to just walk around with a normal girl?"

"Normal girls don't contemplate whether to bring their shield or sword out for dinner," Steve teased, cupping her face in his hands. "Different is funner, Diana. I like seeing you taste dirt to see if it's the same as chocolate!" He exclaimed, tightly hugging her.

She hid her face between the fabric of his sweater. Diana didn't want to be seen crying--Not over this, at least. "But there are so many other girls. So many other girls that are smarter, work harder, that look better, and know the difference between a real worm and a gummy worm."

"Work harder than you? Are smarter than you? Do you think most girls are smart enough that they can deflect a flying bullet? You work hard to keep all of us safe. And look at you, you're a Diamond! I love your hair, your eyes, your nose, everything!"

"I'm not worth it," She mumbled, feeling numb. Maybe she could do some things others couldn't, but she still wasn't good enough. Not in her own eyes she wasn't.

The thought had never occured to Diana that she was an embarrassment. She walked in pride, being happy to be herself. But Etta did have a point. Telling someone their dress was the color of her enemies blood wasn't something people commonly said.

Steve pulled her away, looking her right in the eye. "I don't judge you. I don't blame you, either. You haven't grown up here like the rest of us. You might be right, there could be someone better, but you're perfect. You're perfect."

"It must be hard to love me when I climb up a tree and attack an old lady for fun."

"Hey! That old lady wasn't even that hurt, and you got tons of people to laugh. Diana Prince, you're perfect and if anyone wants to change you, screw them."

Diana thought of all the times she'd enjoyed herself. How she asked stupid questions at the wrong time, but even when she messed up, Steve let her be herself. She didn't have it altogether. Heck, the first time Diana used a fork she threw it at the wall--The crack was still there, right in the middle of the wall. But Steve thought she was perfect.

"I bet no other girls cry over things like this."

"Then you've yet to meet a highschool girl on their period," Steve countered. His hands grinded against the metal of the necklace Diana always wore. It was a dull grey with a sword charm on it. Two years ago, he'd bought it for her.

Diana's smile was wobbly, but it was still a smile. She exhaled softly, nodding her head in agreement. "Yeah . . ." She murmured, getting up so quick that Steve almost fell off the seat.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed, helping him up.

Steve chuckled. He pretended to roll his eyes. "And you said you're not perfect! Usually I'm the one knocking girls off their feet, not the other way around!"

"Oh please, no one loves you that much. Except for me."

"You should see how girls act when you're not around. C'mon, I wanna show you something."

Diana shrugged on her coat, swiftly putting a scarf around her sword. Ever since she first arrived at Steve's place that cold December night, it'd became a tradition to tie a scarf around her sword.

"Okay Percy Jackson, follow me," He joked, slightly nudging her in the side.

Diana's feet tapped against the wooden floor and into the snow. Her boots soaked up snow, and her toes were hit with the cold, but she continued on.

Steve walked deeper into the backyard until they were among a thicket of trees.

"See this tree?" He asked, pointing at one of the tallest trees. It looked dead and worn compared to all the other beautiful ones. Unlike the others which were still covered in green, this one only had one flimsy leaf.

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's not at all like the other trees, though it's most peoples favorite," Steve explained. He did a 180 at all the other trees. "You can't even climb any of these ones, their leafs get in the way. But this one is perfect."

He did have a point. Diana found herself attracted towards the different tree. She leaned in closer, her hands tracing around the bark. "I love it."

"I knew you would. You wanna climb it?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer.

Diana darted up. She tore her coat off, letting it fall to the ground. From the rush of excitement Diana felt as her hands grabbed each and every branch, she forgot how cold she was.

Her hands moved from branch to branch, and her legs swung across the brown bark. Diana let out a cheer as she made it reasonably high up. She peered down at Steve, who was looking at her in amazement.

"What?!" She hollered from above.

"Nothing! I just . . . I love you!" He called out.

Diana smiled at her boyfriend, only slightly shivering. "I love you too!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "I love Steve Trevor!" Diana took both her hands off the tree and shot them up, her head falling back as it looked at the snow rushing down.

"You really are perfect," Steve breathed, even if Diana couldn't hear him.

She was perfect. She was everything he wanted and more, and seeing her happy made his heart burst. They were one true match. They were perfect.

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